2022 Spring




DataHouse is proud to be a local Hawaii-based technology company. Since our founding in 1975, clients have relied on us for our innovative thought leadership, technical expertise, and domain knowledge in key industries, including state and local government, education, healthcare, and banking. 

We pursue challenging yet meaningful engagements with both Hawaii clients and organizations from around the world. Our team members exhibit expertise, grit, and a spirit of excellence in everything we do, with the skillsets to deliver quality solutions utilizing leading-edge, transformative technology. At the heart of our "ONE TEAM" philosophy is working collaboratively and effectively to meet every client's needs.

We are humbled and honored to be listed as the top Hawaii IT Company, as well as Top-Work Places in 2022. DataHouse Consulting is always looking for hungry and humble professionals with not only intellectual capability and technology skills but also emotional maturity who embrace the realities of our "never normal" and have the agility and resilience to pave the way for our teams and clients. 

DataHouse offers College internships. More information can be found: https://www.datahouse.com/datahouse-summer-interns-cultivate-innovation-for-real-world-projects.

Skills or Majors DataHouse is looking for:


Computer Science


Signals Intel

Data Science



Foreign Languages





Human Resources

Soft Skills

Alignment with Core Values

Community Motivated

DataHouse recommends taking the following classes/courses:

Career Development; Finance; Advanced math; Public relationship; Data Analytics and practices

In high school, recommended exposure to STEM and computer science classes. Prioritizing group projects would also be great as we always work as a team. In college/university majors such as IT, Management Information Systems, Computer Science and/or Computer Engineering. 

Taking advantage of all IT and Digital Media courses while available to them now for free, classes that will count for college credit if they're thinking about going to college, language, shop/home economics are practical life skills that will help you after high school stand on your own two feet whether you need to fix your car or fix a button on your shirt, AP Government or any Political Science classes, and if there's a class that you're drawn to take just go for it because it's available/free and you have the time. 

Technical skills:

Cybersecurity architecture, data architecture, blockchain technology, cloud infrastructure, coding, UIUX design, Linux, basic networking, basic coding, basic Data Analytics tool (e.g. SPSS, SAS), project management, graphic design, videography/editing, social media strategy, public relations, branding/marketing.

Technical skills students can focus on are coding (Javascript, Python, Angular, React), project management, and knowledge of Excel, Word, and Powerpoint. 

Soft Skills / Employability Skills:

Sense of responsibility, empathy, communication, humility, how coachable you are, agile, self-motivated, initiator, collaborative, independent, eager to learn, active listener, compassionate, gratitude, courage, spirit of excellence, grit, teamwork, life-long learners, creativity, spirit of excellence, committed, and critical thinking skills.

Advice to prepare for background/security checks:

Have a mentor or leaders that will help guide and speak wisdom into who you're becoming and encourage you on your career path as well; they can be great references and help to keep you out of trouble, be responsible and accountable for your actions, when you do get a job, make sure you see it through and create a good track record of employment experience and history.

To prepare for background checks high school students could keep records of their academic and employment history. Having a record of past employers is also helpful for recommendations. 

Advice for students interested with certifications only:

Certifications and experience speak loudly in today's IT workforce. However, a degree can help you meet minimum qualifications, if you have achieved experience and certifications, then don't disqualify yourself from applying because you are a candidate to be considered. 

Datahouse is also looking for these positions outside of intelligence/cybersecurity:

Outside of intelligence and cyber security, DataHouse looks for Front, back, and Full Stack developers. We also look for those interested in project management, business analysis and consulting, Software Engineer, Cloud Engineer, Product Manager, Business Analyst, Project Management, and UI/UX designers. These jobs require certification and experience. If you're not on the path to getting a college degree, it will take a little longer to qualify for certification but can still be achieved.

Example Entry-level Job Description:

Everyone at Datahouse wears many hats and so title isn't as important as contribution. We all work hard together and titles come secondary. 

Soft skills: active listener, team-oriented, flexible, self-motivated, initiator, humble, compassionate, self-assured, clear in communication (email, verbal, IMs, texts, calls, and in action)

Technical: 1-2 years experience, basic technical competencies, good notetaking, asking the right questions (BA), admin tasks with data entry or smaller tasks from other team members (UIUX, Devs, PMs, Management, etc.) 

An entry level job listing typically includes a 4 year degree in computer science/engineering or information technology. Soft skills would include those who are communicative, strong team working skills, and always willing to learn. 

Defense Intelligence Agency



Aloha and welcome to the Defense Intelligence Agency! 

The Defense Intelligence Agency offers College internships.

Skills or Majors The Defense Intelligence Agency is looking for:


Computer Science


Signals Intel

Data Science



Foreign Languages





Human Resources

The Defense Intelligence Agency recommends taking the following classes/courses:

STEM, foreign languages

Technical skills:

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), coding, engineering are a start. All technical skills are useful.

Soft Skills / Employability Skills:

Critical thinking, written and oral communication, teamwork

Advice to prepare for background/security checks:

Keep social media clean (ex. what you'd show your grandmother), avoid illegal drugs/activity

Advice for students interested with certifications only:

No degree required, all training provided. Can advance without degrees and government will even pay for degrees!

The Defense Intelligence Agency is also looking for these positions outside of intelligence/cybersecurity:

No degree required. DIA needs analysts, IT, science & technology, finance & acquisition, and more.

Example Entry-level Job Description:


DIA is currently recruiting for entry-level positions in the Counterintelligence (CI) Career Field at multiple locations. Counterintelligence Career Field Officers in this Career Field perform a wide variety of functions in support of the mission to include detecting, identifying, assessing, exploiting, countering, and/or neutralizing the intelligence collection efforts/intelligence activities, sabotage, terrorist activities, and/or assassination efforts of foreign powers, organizations, or persons directed against the Department of Defense and the US Government, its personnel, information, material, facilities and/or activities. They also participate in activities that conceal true identity and assert false information in order to support and enable authorized activities and lawful operations.

CI Agent Career Specialty: Comprises officers who support the career field missions by leveraging one or more of the disciplines of counterintelligence. The roles for CI Agents generally require specialized skills, abilities, and training. CI Agents engage in four of the five CI functions of investigations, collections, operations, and functional services. The analysis and production function of CI is carried out at DIA by officers within the All Source Analysis Career Field/Specialty: Counterintelligence.

Positions include:

A Cover Support Officer (CSO) is an individual designated by the Defense Cover Office (DCO) who provides all aspects of cover support activities that conceal true identity and assert false information in order to support and enable authorized activities and lawful operations. The CSO Career Specialty consists of officers with varying skillsets who support sensitive missions by leveraging one or more of the disciplines of cover support.  The roles for CSOs generally require specialized skills, abilities, and training. 

All applicants must be U.S. citizens at the time of application.  Applicants must meet the agency’s conditions of employment, to include, but not limited to, satisfactory completion of an initial special background investigation and periodic reinvestigation, completion of any required medical examination and physical requirements, completion of any required personal interviews, favorable completion of any required initial or aperiodic polygraph examinations, completion of any required drug test, satisfactory completion of a two-year Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System trial period, and completion of a civilian mobility agreement.

DIA does not guarantee any applicant the extension of an official offer of employment; however, DIA will be screening all employment applicants against its current and future manpower requirements.  Selected applicants will be considered for the Agency's Hiring Pool.  DIA is an Agency with worldwide positions.  Selected candidates must be willing to relocate in support of mission requirements.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)



The Federal Bureau of Investigation is one of the premiere federal law enforcement agencies 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation offers College internships.

Skills or Majors The Defense Intelligence Agency is looking for:


Computer Science


Signals Intel

Data Science



Foreign Languages



Human Resources

Hawaii Air National Guard



The Hawaii Air National Guard (HIANG) has two missions. In performing its state mission, HIANG provides organized, trained units to protect Hawaii’s citizens and property, preserve peace, and ensure public safety in response to natural or human-caused disasters. Its federal mission is to provide operationally-ready combat units, combat support units and qualified personnel for active duty in the U.S. Air Force in time of war, national emergency, or operational contingency. Hawaii Air National Guard provides over 100 different career fields across the state.

Skills or Majors Hawaii Air National Guard is looking for:


Computer Science


Signals Intel

Data Science



Foreign Languages





Human Resources

Hawaii Air National Guard recommends taking the following classes/courses:

Computer Science, Medical, Math, Science, Cyber, Technology, Engineering

Technical skills:

Computer Skills/Literacy/Knowledge, Microsoft Office, Official Communications, Time Management, Goal-Setting, Communication Skills, Critical Thinking

Soft Skills / Employability Skills:

Teamwork, Motivated, Willing, Team player, Goal oriented, Openminded, Leader

Advice to prepare for background/security checks:

Stay healthy and out of trouble

Advice for students interested with certifications only:

Hawaii Air National Guard offers positions for those with only a high school diploma. You are held to a higher account when joining the Air Guard. Not only do you represent your family and friends but now, our organization. 

We do a background check of your moral character during the pre-qualifying stage (Criminal activity, drug use, traffic/juvenile offenses) and we also do a security clearance process depending on what career field they choose. Best preparation is to be of moral character.

Hawaii Air National Guard is also looking for these positions outside of intelligence/cybersecurity:

Majority of our career fields require a minimum of high school diploma/GED. Again, we have over 100+ career fields applicants can choose from depending on a couple eligibility requirements we can go more in depth at the career field. The best part is that they will never be tied to one job throughout their Air Force career. There are so many different opportunities for them to grow throughout their enlistment. 

Example Entry-level Job Description:

As a Hawaii Air Guardsman, your daily schedule depends on what career field you choose. However, we all share the same mission. We ensure safety and peace within our beloved state and we always remain prepared to aide the nation when called upon. If you are highly motivated, wanting to challenge yourself, and feel secure within your next organization- the HI Air National Guard is excited to have you! 

Hawaii Air National Guard



The Hawaii Air National Guard (HIANG) has two missions. In performing its state mission, HIANG provides organized, trained units to protect Hawaii’s citizens and property, preserve peace, and ensure public safety in response to natural or human-caused disasters. Its federal mission is to provide operationally-ready combat units, combat support units and qualified personnel for active duty in the U.S. Air Force in time of war, national emergency, or operational contingency. Hawaii Air National Guard provides over 100 different career fields across the state.

Skills or Majors Hawaii Air National Guard is looking for:


Computer Science


Signals Intel

Data Science



Foreign Languages





Human Resources

Hawaii Air National Guard recommends taking the following classes/courses:

Computer Science, Medical, Math, Science, Cyber, Technology, Engineering

Technical skills:

Computer Skills/Literacy/Knowledge, Microsoft Office, Official Communications, Time Management, Goal-Setting, Communication Skills, Critical Thinking

Soft Skills / Employability Skills:

Teamwork, Motivated, Willing, Team player, Goal oriented, Openminded, Leader

Advice to prepare for background/security checks:

Stay healthy and out of trouble

Advice for students interested with certifications only:

Hawaii Air National Guard offers positions for those with only a high school diploma. You are held to a higher account when joining the Air Guard. Not only do you represent your family and friends but now, our organization. 

We do a background check of your moral character during the pre-qualifying stage (Criminal activity, drug use, traffic/juvenile offenses) and we also do a security clearance process depending on what career field they choose. Best preparation is to be of moral character.

Hawaii Air National Guard is also looking for these positions outside of intelligence/cybersecurity:

Majority of our career fields require a minimum of high school diploma/GED. Again, we have over 100+ career fields applicants can choose from depending on a couple eligibility requirements we can go more in depth at the career field. The best part is that they will never be tied to one job throughout their Air Force career. There are so many different opportunities for them to grow throughout their enlistment. 

Example Entry-level Job Description:

As a Hawaii Air Guardsman, your daily schedule depends on what career field you choose. However, we all share the same mission. We ensure safety and peace within our beloved state and we always remain prepared to aide the nation when called upon. If you are highly motivated, wanting to challenge yourself, and feel secure within your next organization- the HI Air National Guard is excited to have you! 



KPMG Campus: https://www.kpmgcampus.com


KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax & Advisory services. Our multi-disciplinary approach and deep, practical industry knowledge help clients meet challenges and respond to opportunities.

KPMG offers College internships.

Skills or Majors KPMG is looking for:

Computer Science


Data Science





National Security Agency (NSA)



The National Security Agency provides foreign signals intelligence and cybersecurity to the Department of Defense and Government Agencies.

The National Security Security Agency offers High School and College internships.


Skills or Majors The National Security Agency is looking for:


Computer Science


Signals Intel

Data Science



Foreign Languages





Human Resources


The National Security Agency recommends taking the following classes/courses:

For Cybersecurity-related: Network, IT and Data science type courses. For STEAM, add social engineering, Psychology and behavior, and research. 

Technical skills:

Learning about operating systems and how computers are connected on a network. Also students start tech career on the web learning Java frontend design. 

Soft Skills / Employability Skills:

Confidence, listening, trustworthy, and team player

Advice to prepare for background/security checks:

Don't do drugs, don't lie, and don't go to high risk foreign countries

Advice for students interested with certifications only:

People with degrees and relevant experience are more competitive for jobs however if the job doesn't require a certification then no need. There's advancement without degrees!

The National Security Agency is also looking for these positions outside of intelligence/cybersecurity:

The jobs may or may not require degrees or certifications. Degrees & certifications can help in entry level positions when one has no relevant job experience. Relevant job experience can outweigh a degree. 

Example Entry-level Job Description:

An entry level job can be administrative support in a Cybersecurity directorate. Then one can take advantage of the college courses the Agency will pay for you to get a degree! Also jobs can be as computer interns where one might be able to learn some code development. It depends on the availability of jobs at the time ones conducting search. 

United States Coast Guard



The United States Coast Guard is a multifaceted people driven organization. Our missions are highly focused and made possible by the high caliber of our workforce. We support law enforcement on both local and national levels, we are highly skilled and efficient with Search and Rescue (SAR), our cyber and intelligence programs support not only Coast Guard missions but all members of the Intelligence community. This is just a sampling of what we DO.

Skills or Majors The United States Coast Guard is looking for:


Computer Science


Signals Intel

Data Science



Foreign Languages





Human Resources


The United States Coast Guard recommends taking the following classes/courses:

Language training, Writing, Public speaking, and Math

Technical skills:

Computer skills such as Microsoft Excel, Word, and Powerpoint.  

Soft Skills / Employability Skills:

Who you are as a person-character

Advice to prepare for background/security checks:

The big one here is social media presence and criminal records. Be able to provide a list of all home addresses that you have lived at with individuals that would have known you during that time. 

Advice for students interested with certifications only:

Opportunities in the Coast Guard are limitless, the training and education you receive while wearing the uniform never stops. Career progression is available with and without degrees.