
IT as a Career

Information Technology (IT) is one of the fastest-growing fields in Hawaii with employers looking for various skills sets in computer science, management information systems, data science/data analytics, geospatial, business and management, network and system administration, cybersecurity, development and integration, and project support and services.

Every technology-based field is in need of information technology specialists which can bridge multiple interests and strengths to protect valuable information.

Intelligence as a Career

The Intelligence Community is not filled with just computer scientists and cybersecurity analysts - it encompasses the arts, foreign languages, social sciences, ethics, and much more. Careers in Intelligence bridge the disciplines of the arts and sciences to with the common goal: to safeguard information.

The United States Intelligence Community (IC) employs thousands of professionals in a wide variety of occupations and wants to hire creative problem solvers who want to support their nation and enjoy a rewarding career. Government service is rewarding in several ways. Not only does such a career provide the selfless satisfaction of serving one’s country, but there are many intellectually provocative and challenging national security jobs, civilian and military. In addition to government service, or as a second career after government service, individuals with intelligence experience can often find positions with large corporations.