
Contract Renewal

The most recent Guidelines for Contract Renewal were last updated in 2023. 

Review timeline for contract renewal application. Sep 15 is deadline for submission, Oct 15 DPC completes review, NOV 15 DC or Unit Head completes review, DEC 20 Dean completes review, FEB 28 Chancellor completes review, MAR 15 successful reviews are returned to the applicant.

NOTE: please be aware that the timeline graphic above was created to visualize the general process from year to year. The dates are subject to change, so be sure to refer to the most recent Guidelines for the most accurate dates.

NOTE: please be aware that the timeline graphic above was created to visualize the general process from year to year. The dates are subject to change, so be sure to refer to the most recent Guidelines for the most accurate dates.

University of Hawai‘i Professional Assembly (UHPA)

Article XII - Tenure and Service