Special Education Programs

Children who require specialized instructional support to progress in general education based upon an identified disability may receive special education services in an in- or out-of-District placement according to recommendations made by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) in conjunction with parent/guardian agreement and approval from the Board of Education.

The full continuum of special education programs are provided in the Hauppauge

School District In-district programs include:

Consultant Teacher, All Schools

Minimum of two hours of services per week given to the student

and/or mainstream teachers to support the Grades K-12 student in a

general education class. Available for all Direct/Indirect mildly disabled students.

Resource Room, All Schools

Minimum of three hours per week of instructional support in small groups,

not to exceed five (5) students in a Grades K-12 separate location.

Available for all students with disabilities that interfere with their ability to learn.

Integrated Co-Teaching, All Schools

The continuum of services may be offered in a 12:1 integrated co-teaching

class with the support of a general and special education teacher working

as a team (co-teachers). This program serves both students with disabilities

and general education students.

Special Class 15:1:1, Bretton Woods, Forest Brook, Middle School, High School

The special class programs within the Hauppauge School District consist of a 15:1:1. Secondary class designed for students whose needs may not be met in an

integrated co-teaching setting provides additional academic and behavioral support.

Special Class 12:1:1, Middle School

Special class program provides NYS general education curriculum at a slower and

modified pace. Students have the opportunity to transition to a less restrictive

setting at HS (15:1:1) or if needed transition to the life skills 12:1:1.

Life Skills 12:1:1, High School | Life Skills 8:1:1, Middle School

Special Class Program emphasizing academic skills for Grades K-12 students with

disabilities which may include speech/language disabilities, moderate to severe

learning disabilities, autism, emotional disabilities, intellectual disabilities or multiple disabilities. This service is available in a separate environment.

Special Class 8:1:2, Pines

The 8:1:2 class programs provide an age-appropriate continuum of experiences in a language enriched program. Instruction is provided in the areas of functional academics; perceptual and motor skills; language and communication skills; social/emotional interactions; cognitive functioning; and personal, self-help skills. Students with disabilities which may include speech/language disabilities, intellectual disabilities, OHI and autism.