Advisor: Mr. Frank Hufnagel & Ms. Michelle Alvarez

Meeting Dates: Thursdays, 2:20, Room 249

DECA, an association of marketing students, has maintained a strong membership of well over one hundred students for the past ten years. Students compete in county, state, and international contests in career and entrepreneurial areas such as TV commercial production, advertising campaign, radio advertising, apparel and accessories, marketing mathematics, finance credit, travel and tourism, public speaking, sales demonstration, economics, accounting, sports marketing, and job interviews. Some contests require students to make oral presentations, while others are evaluated using written exams and role-plays. There are also contests that require pre-submitted reports. All contests have a presentation component in which they have the opportunity to present their knowledge to judges.

DECA offers students an opportunity to earn scholarships, be a part of the Hauppauge community, gain leadership skills, compete, travel, and have fun. Imagine going to a DECA Dance at Universal Studios open exclusively to DECA students or travel to Disney Land and compete at the International Competition.

All students taking a business course are encouraged to attend.