Library Donations

  1. Birthday Library Fund - YHT PTA
    • The birthday library fund is a fundraiser that supports the PTA while adding much needed books to our school library. During the month of your child's birthday, you should receive an email with a link to contribute money to the fund. Once you give your $18 donation, an age-appropriate book is purchased by Mrs. Pilarski and will be given to the library with a dedication sticker containing your child's name and birthday. Mrs. Pilarski will then show it to your child and even snap a picture if she is able! This is a great way to support the PTA and help grow our school library! If you have any questions, please reach out to
  2. Other Book Donations
    • The library accepts donations of new or used books. Please note that donated books will be evaluated for their usefulness in the library. If they can't be used, the librarian will pass them along to a classroom or another home.