Term 3

Where we are in place and time

Journeys can lead to discoveries and new adventures.

Whilst at home, we will conduct and inquiry into:

  • Why people explore

  • What exploration used to be like compared to now

  • What the future of exploration will be like

Well, Year 6 have seriously impressed us with their attitude to learning during this first week of home learning. They have researched and written about the different kinds of biomes, identified different groups of animals (such as mammals, birds and reptiles), read about explorers, and many other activities. To see some examples of their writing about biomes, please click on the names below.

Reflection on Week 1

Children in Year 6 created these documents to share what they had learnt in the first week of this term. They have been so creative! Have a look at what they have been up to.

Reflection sheet 1

Reflection sheet 2

In science, we have been looking at classification. Last week we researched the different animal groups, such as mammals, birds and reptiles, and identified their characteristics. This week, we tried to create a classification key of different household items. Click on the images to view a bigger picture of these amazing examples!

Year 6 have tackled an impressive art project, where they were given the challenge to create a 3D boat using toilet rolls and other household items. Look at what they have achieved!

This week, Year 6 have spent some time reviewing the explorers and adventurers they have learnt about this term, including Wilfred Thesiger, Dervla Murphy and Rick Hansen.

Use this Quizlet set to test your knowledge! Simply click on the image to access the website.

Year 6 know that when exploring new places, it is important to be able to draw what you see. This could be a landscape, an animal or something else! We have been working on our shading techniques when drawing different types of objects. It's safe to say that we definitely have some artists in Year 6!

Dervla Murphy

This week, Year 6 have written some fantastic biographies about Dervla Murphy, an Irish woman who travelled to India on a bicycle. Click the drop down menu to view their writing.

In Maths, Year 6 have been working hard to improve their knowledge of decimals and percentages. They have blown us away by their engagement on our live maths lessons and the work they have been submitting.

Here is a tarsia puzzle they were challenged to complete this week, where they had to match percentages of different amounts to the correct answer. Unfortunately, Henry lost one of the pieces, but he still managed to complete the rest of the triangle!

Reflection on week 3

This week, the children were given the task to create a concept map. To do this, they needed to identify a range of people, vocabulary and concepts we have learnt about this term, and make connections between them. Have a look at Josh and Dexter's fantastic examples! Click on each image to view a larger copy.

What is figurative language?

This week, Year 6 have been exploring a range of environments and creating some descriptive writing about these. They used extracts from Planet Earth to inspire some of their writing.

Figurative language is used to describe things, people or places in specific ways. Examples of this include: similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, alliteration and hyperbole. Read the Google Doc below to see the amazing examples of figurative language that Year 6 created!

Figurative language examples

Over the course of this term, Year 6 have learnt about many great adventurers, such as Wilfred Thesiger, Dervla Murphy and Nellie Bly.

Last week, Year 6 were given the task to design their own adventure. They thought about where they would go, what they would see and what it might be like.

As you can see from these posters, Year 6 are certainly a brave bunch!

Have you enjoyed learning about adventures?

We have all of these books available at school, which link to the theme of adventure and exploration. Please read them when we return to school!

This looks like snow much fun!

It snowed in the final week of term! What a lovely way to celebrate all of your hard work. Here are some lovely photos of Year 6 key worker children having fun in the snow on Monday.

Please read Gracie's beautiful lockdown poem below.

lockdown poem