
9th Grade

Helpful Tips for a Successful Freshman Year:

  • Take challenging classes in core academic subjects.

Most colleges require four years of English, at least three years of social studies- including history, civics, geography, economics, etc.- three years of mathematics, three years of science and many require two years of a foreign language.

Round out your course load with classes in computer science and the arts.

  • Get involved in school or community-based activities

Consider working, volunteering, and/or participating in academic enrichment programs, summer workshops, and camps with specialty focuses such as music, arts, or science. This is a way to let you explore different opportunities by getting involved in something that may turn into a career interest for you.

  • Remember—it’s quality (not quantity) that counts.

  • Ask your school counselor or teachers what Advanced Placement courses are available, whether you are eligible, and how to enroll in them.

  • Use the U.S. Department of Labor’s career search tool to research your career options.

  • Start a list of your awards, honors, paid and volunteer work, and extracurricular activities. Update it throughout high school.