7th & 8th Grade NJHS Virtual Induction Ceremony 

We have been talking about the virtual induction ceremony for some time now with all of our NJHS club members during our monthly meetings, so I'm sure you all have it circled on your calendars. I am so proud of you all for all your hard work during such a trying academic year, and also with your dedication to our Rio Norte's service project of card writing. In the ceremony you will also find some of the cards you had submitted for the project, next to your beautiful picture. 

Today our virtual ceremony will take place at 7 pm with this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=468XwWCoefE and if you are unable to attend at that time, it will still be up later to view multiple times. The link is also placed in our Rio Norte NJHS google classroom, emailed to all NJHS students, and on our NJHS website. Congratulations NJHS members! We will be giving out the membership cards, certificates, honors bumper stickers, and a medal if you were a member in NJHS for 2 years during advisory the last week of school.