
social emotional learning (SEL)

Social-emotional skills help us manage emotions, build healthy relationships, and show empathy and understanding.  These skills assist us with understanding and recognizing our thoughts and feelings in order to interact and connect with others. They aid us to appropriately communicate and express ourselves in different environments and with different people. 

Junior high is a time of major social and emotional growth. We recognize that that kids develop at different paces and this is particularly true of junior high school students. We are here to help support our students through this transitional period. We can help with: 

                                                                            SEL Competencies 

Suicide & self harm resources

Community Resource Guide

Social Media-For Students

Teen Voices: Friendships and Social Media

Dealing with Digital Drama

Who are you talking to Online?

Social Media-For Parents

There are many apps that help monitor social media. A quick Google search will pull up free and paid apps. 

common sense media

Stress Management

Gratitude can make you sick!


Peer Relationships and Perspective Taking

How To Disagree

Conflict Resolution

Being a friend


Emotional Regulation wellness wheel

Learn about what it means to have emotional intelligence and how to better handle stressful and hurtful situations.