Chemistry in the

Earth System

Welcome to Chemistry in the Earth System! This course follows the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) curriculum written by our district's diverse and multi-talented chemistry writing team led by our district's award-winning Curriculum Specialist. All California school districts are in the process of transitioning to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and our district continues to be a leader and innovator in curriculum development. The transition to NGSS offers a very exciting change to the traditional science program. The primary shift is the increase in student exploration and discovery and the decrease in teacher-driven instruction. The innovative Next Generation Science Standards lessons tie together science content, engineering practices, and cross-cutting concepts in order to help students discover how different science disciplines are interrelated. Students will discover the role chemistry plays in earth's processes. Students will study the fundamentals of atomic structure, periodic trends, intermolecular forces, chemical reactions, nuclear chemistry, plate tectonics, and the formation and early history of Earth. The course will present and assess concepts through a variety of mediums including readings, videos, simulations, activities, laboratory experiments, discussions, projects, quizzes, and tests.

The school year will be broken down in the following way:

Semester 1

  • Instructional Segment 1: The Chemistry of Combustion

  • Instructional Segment 2: Heat and Energy in the Earth System

  • Instructional Segment 3: Atoms, Elements, and Molecules

Semester 2

  • Instructional Segment 4: Chemical Reactions

  • Instructional Segment 5: The Chemistry of Climate Change

  • Instructional Segment 6: Chemical Reactions and Ocean Acidification

This course will focus on developing students' higher-order thinking skills. Students will no longer be required to memorize endless facts. They will instead practice synthesizing information to draw conclusions about scientific phenomena. They will work collaboratively to make sense of data. They will develop claims based on evidence and sound scientific understanding. They will discover chemistry's inescapable role in every single one of earth's dynamic processes.

Students will be expected to be enthusiastic participants in the learning process. Without proper engagement in the process of science, the thinking, the testing, the hypothesizing, opportunities for exploration and understanding will be lost.

Please check Infinite Campus often to stay up to date on your progress. Utilize your planner. And don't be afraid to put yourself out there. If we do not fully engage in the learning process, we cannot expect to fully comprehend the wonders of the natural world. As Dr. Brene Brown says, "Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen."