Creativity and Coloring

When we feel anxious, stressed or sad, sometimes focusing on something different helps. When our mind is occupied it can help reduce anxious feelings and stress. You may consider listening to music, sketching or coloring, or maybe even journaling. Below are some activities you can do to refocus and re-energize.


20 Songs to Rock Your Morning Routine - Playlist

A "Scientifically" Backed Playlist to Wake You Up


3 Reasons Coloring Can Actually Relax your Brain

Information from the Cleveland Health Clinic
Mindful Art for High School Teens.pdf

Gratitude LetterS

Gratitude is a feeling of thanks and appreciation. There are so many areas of our lives where we can apply gratitude. We can appreciate the good things in the world and the benefits we receive from them. We can also be grateful for things like our health, having enough to eat, being done with a test, etc. And we can be grateful to other people for things they do for us and for our community.

According to UC Davis study, expressing gratitude can increase happiness, strengthen relationships, build self-esteem, reduce stress and anxiety, and rewire the brain for resilience.

Gratitude is a powerful tool. Here is a template for writing a gratitude letter to someone you are thankful for.

Thankful for You Gratitude Letter


Writing and journaling is a powerful tool to help work through emotions and care for your mental health during stressful times. Even if you have never journaled before, if you’re socially distancing, in self-isolation, or in self-quarantine, now may be a great time to add in a journaling practice.

If you want to give journaling a try during this crazy time, you can just open a notebook and start writing and see what comes out. But if you find yourself unsure what to write about, here are some journal prompts to help you begin. These prompts are designed to both help you process your harder emotions, and to help you bring some positivity into your mindset around everything.  They can also be used as an idea of what you may want to include if you want to use your journal more to document this experience for future generations.

Information and Prompts from Spiritual Coach Nicole Leffer
30 Journal Prompts To Write About During Social Distancing, Self-Isolation, or Self-Quarantine