
Athletics and activities play an important role in our students' school experience, and we are committed to taking necessary precautions, especially on hot days, to safeguard everyone from heat-related illnesses. To achieve this, we have implemented the following measures:


Portable lights for turf fields: During August and September, we are providing schools with portable lights for turf fields that lack permanent lighting. This enables coaches to schedule later practices when feasible.


Certified Athletic Trainers: Our high school campuses are equipped with Certified Athletic Trainers who collaborate with coaches and athletes to closely monitor activities and the health of our students.


Coaches' training: All Coaches have undergone specialized courses on heat related illnesses, as well as First Aid/CPR training.


OSHA Heat Safety Tool: To gauge the heat index accurately and the impact of humidity, we consult use the OSHA Heat Safety Tool app which allows us to track the heat index in our local areas on an hourly basis.


Modifying/Canceling Activities: As we consult of the OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool App and the Heat Index Safety Chart, we will sometimes make necessary adjustments to activities in order to keep students and staff safe. If conditions warrant, we may move practice indoors to air-conditioned facilities or postpone it to a later time. The safety of our student-athletes and coaches always takes precedence in our decision making.


Transportation: When transporting our student-athletes to contests in Southern California, we are taking steps to ensure safety under extreme conditions. Our buses are predominantly air-conditioned.  If the bus is not air-conditioned, our practice is to provide each player with bagged ice and access to water.  We are making efforts to coordinate with host schools to secure air-conditioned or shaded spaces for warm-ups, whenever possible.


At all times, we strive to maintain our athletic schedules, but when the safety of our student-athletes and coaches is at stake, we may be forced to make hard decisions about rescheduled events or cancellations. Your understanding and support in this matter are greatly appreciated, as we collectively prioritize the wellbeing of our school community.