
Student Responsibilities for Remote/e-Learning

  1. For days designated as Remote/e-Learning, students and families will be able to access daily learning activities from their individual teacher through the district website or individual teacher Google Classrooms.

  2. Remote/e-Learning days will begin Wednesday, 4/1/2020.

  3. The State has mandated school closures through Thursday 4/30/2020. Attendance will need to be submitted by the parent/student for each of the Remote/e-Learning days.

      • You will submit attendance each school day by clicking on your student’s building from the Remote/e-learning homepage.

      • You will then find a link to a Google Survey to submit student attendance for the day.

      • You may also call your building and leave a message with your student’s name and the date indicating you are taking attendance for that day. You may only submit attendance one day at a time.

  4. Assignments are posted for the entire week to allow for daily flexibility. Students will review assigned work, ask clarifying questions and seek assistance as needed.

  5. Teachers will review evidence of work that has been submitted in order to provide feedback. Emphasis is placed on the learning process.

  6. Students (and/or parents) should contact the teacher via email with questions or concerns regarding learning activities. Teachers will be available via email between 8AM and 3 PM on Remote/e-Learning days to communicate with families and interact with students.

  7. If students are not able to access the internet or need paper copies, they will notify the teacher. The teacher will work to provide similar activities in a paper-based form. The teacher will share the paper-based documents with the principal. The parent/student and building principal will then be able to coordinate a plan for pick-up.

  8. Assignments should be submitted by the end of the week to the teacher.