Pear Assessment
*Formerly Edulastic

Getting Started- Signing Up for Your Account

Getting Started- Adding Classes

Getting Started- Creating an Assignment from the Test Bank

To access the test bank, use the left side menu to select "Test" under Library. Once you are in the test bank, you can use filters to search for tests by grade level, subject, standard, and topic/skill.

If you clone the test, this allows you to make changes to the test, like adding and deleting questions. If you do not need to make changes, go directly to assign the test. 

When assigning the test, you will select the class and students to receive the test and select the desired settings.

Getting Started- Creating a Test from a PDF with SnapQuiz

Getting Started- Creating a test from scratch

Getting Started- How to Create Different Question Types

Common Question Types on the KSA:

Getting Started- Understanding the Assessment Settings

There are several setting options to meet your individual classroom and student needs. The most common uses are highlighted here. You can also hover over the setting in Edulastic for an explanation.

Class/Group Settings

Test Behavior

Anti- Cheating



Getting Started- Looking at the Data

The Live Class Board lets you see what is happening in real-time and after the assessment for both individual students and whole class.

To access the Live Class Board, start at the Assessment tab on the left side menu, choose the assessment and the class, and select the Live Class Board icon on the far right.

On the Live Class Board, you will find a bar graph at the top with class data by the question.  Clicking on any of the bars will drill down into student responses to that question. The blue line shows the average time taken on each question.

In the section below, is a snapshot of each student’s progress in a Student Response card.

The colored squares on each student card show correct answers (green), incorrect (red), and partially correct (yellow). Essay type or tech-enhanced questions that are not auto-graded show in blue until they are manually scored by the teacher. Gray means the student skipped the question.  

When you click on a student card,  you will see a Detailed Response for one student’s answers on the whole assessment. You can jump to the ones the student missed by clicking on the red bars on the Performance graph at the top.

You can leave feedback on the whole assessment at the top right, or for individual questions.

You can change scores if you need to as well. Giving partial credit, extra credit, etc.

In the Live Class Board, you can also perform other actions like download scores, add or remove students from the assignment, print, etc.  You will do this by putting a checkmark on a single student’s name card or select all.  Go to More.

Here are the steps you can use to perform various actions:

View when you first publish the test.

View from test library when test is already published.

Getting Started- Sharing Assessments with Peers

If you have created an assessment that you would like to make available to your PLC, school, district, or anyone using Edulastic, here are the steps.

If you just finished making the test:

If you already made the test:

FAQ- How do I release scores after students take the assessment?

You have the choice of having this information released once the students have submitted their test or assignment or you can choose to release the scores manually.  The following will walk you through how to release assessment scores and feedback to students.

In Edulastic you can choose from 4 options when configuring your Release Scores settings. You can choose from the following:

When creating a test you’ll find the different Release Scores options in the Settings tab. If you want to manually release the scores, set to Release Scores option to “DO NOT RELEASE SCORES OR RESPONSE”. This allows you to decide when you want to release scores. 

After students have taken the assessment and you wish to release the scores, 

For students:

FAQ- How does redirect work, and what do students see when redirected?

Redirect means reassign, redo, and reopen. It is a good feature to use if:

When you redirect, the prior responses are not deleted. If the students wish, they can change their responses or keep them as is. On the teachers’ side, the students’ cards will show the boxes as gray and appear as if it has not been taken yet. This is so you can get the live data on the retake and does not delete their previous work unless you choose to do so.

Teachers are able to redirect an assignment any number of times. Redirect remains available even after the due date has passed.

How to Redirect:

Automatic Redirect:

You can also set up an assignment to automatically redirect students. In the assignment settings, select "Auto-Redirect" settings.

Student View:

Students will see the test in their dashboard and a button to Start with a notification that they have completed 1/2, 2/3, etc. attempts. 

FAQ- Can you change the settings of the test once it has been assigned? 

Yes and no. When the test was created, if the "Freeze settings" feature was turned on, you cannot change any of the settings. If not, you can edit the settings. To do so, open the live class board, click the settings tab at the top, and make changes.

FAQ- When a teacher leaves student feedback, do the students get an email in their school account to let them know they have a message or just a notification if they are logged into Edualstic?

The feedback is only in Edulastic. 

FAQ- Is there a speech to text option when the teacher is trying to leave messages/feedback for students?

Not at this time.

FAQ- How do I access the district library and KSA released items?

KSA Released Items on Edulastic

Edulastic Kentucky Summative Assessments Released Test Items 2022

Through Course Task in Edulastic

Through the Task- Edulastic

FAQ- How does the lock down/ restricted browser work?

The Anti- Cheating Features:

What the Students See:

What the Teacher Sees:

FAQ- When students leave/unenroll, is there a way their data can be accessed?

When rostered with Clever, if a student switches classes or unenrolls, they will no longer appear on your roster. Their account is "frozen" and you can see their previous assessment data, but it is not transferable. 

FAQ- How does a teacher "unsync" a class?

A teacher cannot unsync a class from Clever. If you would like to hide a class that you do not wish to see, you can favorite with a heart that classes you want to see in your dashboard on each class card. Then, set the dashboard to view only your Favorites.

Additional tip: Rename the class you do not wish to see as DO NOT USE so you do not accidentally assign tests to the wrong class. 

FAQ- Are performance bands set at the district level only, or can each teacher edit their own performance bands?

Performance bands are set a the district and school level. See admin to have a new performance band created. There is a limit of 10 bands. The HCS grading scale is pre-loaded into the performance bands available. 

FAQ- Can you add drag and drop to SnapQuiz tests?

No. SnapQuiz is limited to multiple choice, text entry, drop-down, math, true/false, or essay question types.

FAQ- How do I translate for ELL students in Edulastic?

A translator is now built into the Immersive Reader on Edulastic. 

FAQ- What do I do for students that can't be on the Internet?

FAQ- If we start an assignment but have to stop, how do we come back to it?

Once you have started the assignment, open the Live Class Board.

You will see "Pause" and "Close" in the top right corner. Select "Pause" to pause all students and prevent students from working on it outside of the time you allow. When you are ready to resume, open the Live Class Board, and select "Resume" in the top right corner where you selected "Pause".

You can also pause individual students by selecting student cards, clicking "More", and then clicking "Pause Students". Repeat the process and select "Resume Students" when they are ready to resume.

FAQ- Can students respond with voice answers?

Yes! There is an audio response question available under the written & recorded question types that allows student to respond with their voice.