Google Classroom

Helpful Information:

Gettings Started- First Login

Getting Started- Create and Customize Your Class

Need to edit a class after creation?

Getting Started- Linking Classroom to Infinite Campus

Follow this tutorial to link your Google Classroom gradebook to your Infinite Campus gradebook.

Linking GC to IC Tutorial

Getting Started- Navigating Google Classroom

Getting Started- Class Settings Explained

Access the class settings by clicking the settings wheel in the top right corner. 

Getting Started- Set Up Grading

If you would like to track grades in Google Classroom, you can set those settings under "Grading" by choosing "Total points" or "Weighted by category" grading options. You can also choose "No overall grade" and you and students won't see their overall grade. 

Tip: These settings are only availble on the web version and not in the mobile app.

Grading options:

Grade categories:

Getting Started- Adding Students


When you create a class, Google will generate a code that allows students to join your class. You can find your class code in two locations.

Directions for students:


Add students by email ahead of time to avoid needing the class code.

Once you have invited students, students will see the class on their Google Classroom homepage and must accept the invite. You can check accepted invites under the "People" tab. Student names will be lighter in color and say (invite) if students have not yet accepted the invite.

Getting Started- Navigating the Google Classroom Homepage

Getting Started- Add Announcements

Announcements are a helpful way to share reminders, important information, and helpful links- anything your students might need to see on their main page.

On the "Stream" tab, click the box that says "Share something with your class," to add an announcement. You will have the following options:

Getting Started- Create an Assignment

Open the "Classwork" tab at the top of the page. Here is where you can post assignments, quizzes, questions, classroom materials, and reuse previous posts. You can also create topics that can aid organization (units, weeks, subjects, etc.). 


Drive:  Add file from Drive. Click Drive logo, select the item, and click Add. *If you add a Google Form quiz and no other attachments, grades can be imported into the assignment. 

YouTube: Click YouTube, enter keywords or link and Search, click the video and select add.

File: Upload file from computer. Select file and upload.

Link: Click link, enter the URL, and click add link.

Create: Use Google Apps to create a new document/file to add to the assignment. 

Decide how to share the attachments with students:

Getting Started- Create a Quiz

You can assign a quiz with Google Forms in Google Classroom. You can create the quiz in your Google Drive or create it directly in Google Classroom.

Getting Started- Create a Question

Go to the "Classwork" tab. Click " + Create" and select "Question."

Getting Started- Add Class Materials

Easily share resource materials and information (syllabus, related reading, tutorials, etc.) to the Classwork page. Materials can be organized by topic, reordered, and scheduled to post like other assignments. 

Getting Started- View and Update Grades

To access and update your gradebook, click the "Grades" tab at the top.

From here you can view, grade, and return student work. The grading status is color-coded:

You can type grades and return grades directly in your gradebook. 

To view a student submission, 

Getting Started- Grade and Return an Assignment

You have options to leave a numeric grade, comment-only feedback, or both. 

You can leave grades, feedback, and return to students from:

To see status of student work and the number of students who have submitted or are missing assignments:

Getting Started- Grading Tool and Feedback

Quickly review student work, give feedback, return grades, and move easily between students with the Grading tool. 

To access the grading tool:

Image from Kasey Bell

Getting Started- Setting Your Personal Settings

To set notifications and other settings for all of your classes, go to the Google Classroom homepage, click the main menu (three lines), then select settings. 

From here:

Getting Started- Archiving Classes

At the end of a course, you will want to archive a class to remove to clear up your home page and the home page of your students.

Note: You will still have access to the files from the class in the Google Drive class folder. You will also be able to reuse posts from archived classes in new courses. 

If you need to restore a class, you can unarchive a class by going to the "Archived Classes" section from the main menu (three lines), then click on the more menu (3 dots) of the class card you wish to unarchive. Click "Restore."

Advanced- Reuse Assignments

One you have created an assignment, you can reuse it infinitely in the same or different classes. You can reuse an assignment even if the class has been archived. 

When reusing a post, you can:

Advanced- Organizing Classwork with Topics

Topics are a great way to maintain organization and filter assignments. Topics can work like modules, units, or weeks, with individual assignments and posts organized underneath those topics. You can reorder posts under a topic and reorder topics within the classwork page. Using topics is optional. Posts without a topic will automatically appear at the top of the classwork page.

To create a topic:

Reorder and filter classwork with topics:

Advanced- Comment Bank

To save time, you can save frequently used comments to use later. 

Advanced- Utilizing Google Calendar

Google Classroom automatically creates a Google Calendar for your class. Each assignment with a due date is automatically added to the class Google Calendar. 

You can also add other events and dates to your Classroom Google Calendar by going to and adding them manually to the calendar.

Additional Tips