
Use the table of contents below to find details about common problems associated with Chromebooks. If you do not see an answer to your question, contact the help desk at ext. 

Signing In- "To unlock and restore your local data, please enter your old Chromebook password" screen

Chromebook is loading slowly- Clear Your Cache

When you use a browser, like Chrome, it saves some information from websites in its cache and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, like loading or formatting issues on sites.

Check History

Use history to see past website visits. Your History shows the pages you've visited on Chrome in the last 90 days. 

Keyboard On-Screen

An accessibility feature of Chromebooks is the on-screen keyboard. When the on-screen keyboard is on and open, it limits the ability to see the full screen. To turn this feature off:

You can use these same steps to turn it on for students that benefit from the on-screen keyboard.  

Full screen is zoomed in- can't see menu/ full screen

An accessibility feature of Chromebooks is the full-screen magnifier, which zooms in on the entire screen.

To turn this feature off:

You can use these same steps to turn it on for students that benefit from the full-screen magnifier. 

Half the screen is zoomed in

An accessibility feature of Chromebooks is the docked screen magnifier, which zooms in on a portion of the screen and is visible on the top half of the screen. 

You can use these same steps to turn it on for students that benefit from the docked screen magnifier. 

Apostrophe changes to a an accent mark when typed- International Keyboard

In the bottom right corner near the time, you will see IN or INTL. This indicates that the International Keyboard is turned on. To turn it off:

FAQ- How do I easily search for text on a page?

Use the keyboard shortcut ctrl + f to search for any word/phrase within a page. You can navigate through the options with the arrows in the pop up box or see that 0 search results were found.

FAQ- How do I right click?

Use the alt key and press the track pad to open the right-click menu.


Click the track pad with two separated fingers to open the right-click menu. 

FAQ- How do I take a screenshot?

Full screen- press Ctrl + Show Windows (rectangle with two vertical lines, top of the keyboard)

Partial screen- press Shift + Ctrl + Show windows (rectangle with two vertical lines, top of the keyboard), then click and drag box to desired location.

FAQ- How do I turn on/off caps lock?

Press Search  + Alt. Search button is a magnifying glass.

FAQ- How do I reopen a tab I just closed?

Press ctrl + shift + t

FAQ- Navigate a page up and down

FAQ- How do I copy and paste?

FAQ- How do I edit text format/style?