
Check back often to see our learning in action

Hamilton's STEM program at Bentheim, Blue Star, Hamilton, and Sandyview Elementary Schools is in full swing and we excitedly share our explorations and learning. Take a look at what we are doing today!

Hamilton STEM on Twitter Most powerful IPad app ever The camera. #NoContest Kindergarten Shape Hunt #iPadEd #stem httpst.coScPY63peOE.mp4

Highlight video from Hamilton Elementary Week of January 30th, 2017

Highlights from Sandyview on 1/31/17

Highlight video from the week of February 13th 2017 - Sandyview and Hamilton El

This week's highlights from Hamilton El and Sandyview

Junior Ornithologists at Blue Star - We saw robins, killdeer, cowbirds, geese, and sea gulls all in about 10 minutes.


Highlights from the week of April 24, 2017

2018/19 Highlights

Here are a few clips from a mini challenge we did during the first few weeks of school.