Early Bird Club

The Early Bird club is in its 2nd year at Hamilton Elementary. It came about as an extension of the work we are doing in our Sikma Stem classes with birds. Each Wednesday a group of dedicated young ornithologists meet at 7:45 a.m. to do a variety of different activities all centered around the birds that call Hamilton Elementary's playground home. Not only do these students fill our feeders and provide water for birds, they also participate in challenges that give them the chance to use their inquiry science skills. Check back often to see the work that they are doing. If you are interested in starting a bird club at your elementary school, feel free to contact Mrs. Sikma at jsikma@hamiltonschools.us

The Spring Migration has started in Michigan! Today we made welcome back posters for our feathered friends. Happy Spring everyone!

2018 BirdSleuth Investigator_181108.pdf

The Early Bird club has been published! Check out pages 3 and 4 of The Birdsleuth Investigator to see our featured inquiry project from February 2018.

MAEOEgram April 2018_Final_V2.pdf

The Early Bird Club was featured in this quarterly newsletter. Check it out!

Birthdays are a big deal for our club members. We call them "Birddays" and always have the best time tweeting the "birdday" song and enjoying a bird themed treat.

We have a lot of fun together learning about birds, being a team, and serving our community.