
Meeting the A+ Tutoring Requirement

The A+ Schools Program requires that students complete 50 hours of academic tutoring. The following guidelines are to be used for all tutoring experiences.

The A+ Coordinator must approve tutoring, and tutor must be supervised by a certified school employee. Approved activities will be posted in the daily bulletin. Some approved examples would be summer school, SAS, and after-school individual tutoring. Other tutoring possibilities may receive specific approval from the A+ Coordinator. However, the coordinator reserves the right to limit some tutoring experiences to a maximum of 20 hours.

An A+ Tutoring Log must be kept by the student and turned in. The school sponsor who supervises the tutoring time must sign this log, and the A+ Coordinator will verify hours.

Students are expected to behave responsibly while tutoring. This includes notifying the

tutoring supervisor before absences. It is important to the success of the programs involved that A+ students remain dedicated to their responsibility. Students failing to behave responsibly may be removed from the tutoring experience. A pattern of problems can lead to dismissal from the A+ program.

No financial compensation may be accepted for tutoring activities.