January 22


probe virtual college fair

Probe Virtual College Fairs will take place next Monday, March 8, and all Georgia High School students are invited to participate: http://www.gaprobe.org/students/


Visiting college campuses can be a challenge, so we’re bringing the college campuses to you with #BigFutureDays. Register to meet with admissions reps and current students from hundreds of colleges by CLICKiNG HERE.

dual enrollment application information

Please CLICK HERE for information regarding dual enrollment.

IB applications

The IB application for the 2021-2022 school year is open. Current sophomores (rising juniors) may apply here: https://hallco.instructure.com/enroll/NLBGA9. Please see Mrs. Barrett in Room 309 if you have any questions or you may email questions to lori.barrett@hallco.org.

dream scholarship

TheDream.US Opportunity Scholarship - an up to $80,000 undergraduate scholarship, for undocumented students who live in targeted, locked-out states where they cannot get in-state tuition. Applications close on January 28th, 2021.

Locked-out States:

Georgia Alaska North Carolina South Carolina North Dakota South Dakota Indiana Iowa Louisiana Mississippi Missouri West Virginia & Wisconsin

To apply go here: https://thedream.us/scholarships/opportunity-scholarship/

Need help?

This year has been challenging in many ways. There are resources out there to help you if you feel you or your family should need additional support.

STAR Student

Seniors who are interested in competing for the STAR Student recognition can continue to take the SAT through the March administration this year. The student with the highest SAT Score in a single administration will be designated as our STAR student.

have a great weekend!!