Healthcare, Business, Ag, Education!

|IVESTER HEALTHCARE SCHOLARS - a competitive Program of Choice for rising juniors

Ivester's Healthcare scholars wearing navy uniforms and seated on the bleachers at Ivester's gymnasium.


The Ivester Healthcare Scholars Program of Choice will provide Dual Enrollment and practical learning experiences for advanced scholars who have demonstrated a focused interest in any of the healthcare fields (PA, PT, Radiology, Psychology, Nursing, Doctor, Anesthesia, etc.). Students will engage in rigorous academic classes, unique mentorships, research / internship opportunities, and service applications in a 2-year program.  

Healthcare scholars button.
A blond female Healthcare  scholar student wearing a navy uniform participating in an activity.
The Ivester Healthcare Scholar wear professional outfits and pose for a photo next to a cherry blossom tree.
Six female healthcare scholars stand next to each other and smile in the gymnasium wearing their uniforms.
Male and female healthcare scholar students wear personal protective medical equipment and pose together inside a classroom.

|The University of Georgia's and Ivester's Rising Ag SCHOLARS - a  competitive program of choice for Agriculture and environmental studies for rising seniors!

3 UGA schoalrs stand together at an wards ceremony as they smile for the camera.


Hall County Schools is excited to announce a unique partnership between the University of Georgia and Ivester Early College, through the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES): The CAES-Ivester Rising Scholars Program (CAES-IRSP). This program is ideal for high-achieving rising seniors with academic and career interests in the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.  

Button logo for UGA agriculture scholars page
Three UGA scholars stand next to a statues of the  University of Georgia's bulldog mascot.
Scholars stand next to UGA's mascot.
Four female scholars pose together in front of a cow.

|UGA Terry College of business And ivester

- Applications opening soon for fall 2025 - Rising Seniors

University of Georgia logo.


IEC is now accepting applications for fall of 2025 with Terry College of Business at UGA!

Rising seniors chosen will take a minimum of 1 dual enrollment class at Ivester and 1 dual enrollment business class at UGA each semester. 

Transportation is provided and students return in time for their after-school activities.

Students should apply now with Ivester and register if needed for SAT/ ACT by early May. 

Button logo for UGA college of business page.
Photo of the Terry college of business at UGA.
landscape photo of the Terry college of business at UGA.
Photo of the Terry college of business at UGA.

|ung future Teacher scholars  - 

a program registering for fall 2025 - 

Open to juniors and seniors! 

UNG logo


UNG's college of education and Ivester are putting together a cohort for rising Junior and Senior education students in the Fall! 

In the education cohort, students will receive intern time

Rising Juniors and Seniors chosen will take two dual enrollment classes at Ivester (one each: academic and education) each semester. 

Students should apply now with Ivester and register if needed for the SAT/ ACT. (PSAT may also qualify students) 

Contact Ivester for more info!

UNG future educators program button.
UNG college of education logo.
UNG college students having a conversation outside of the college of education.
A teacher educating their classroom, surrounded by elementary students.
Ivester early college logo.