Healthcare, Business, Ag, Education!
|IVESTER HEALTHCARE SCHOLARS - a competitive Program of Choice for rising juniors
The Ivester Healthcare Scholars Program of Choice will provide Dual Enrollment and practical learning experiences for advanced scholars who have demonstrated a focused interest in any of the healthcare fields (PA, PT, Radiology, Psychology, Nursing, Doctor, Anesthesia, etc.). Students will engage in rigorous academic classes, unique mentorships, research / internship opportunities, and service applications in a 2-year program.
|The University of Georgia's and Ivester's Rising Ag SCHOLARS - a competitive program of choice for Agriculture and environmental studies for rising seniors!
Hall County Schools is excited to announce a unique partnership between the University of Georgia and Ivester Early College, through the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES): The CAES-Ivester Rising Scholars Program (CAES-IRSP). This program is ideal for high-achieving rising seniors with academic and career interests in the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
|UGA Terry College of business And ivester
- Applications opening soon for fall 2025 - Rising Seniors
IEC is now accepting applications for fall of 2025 with Terry College of Business at UGA!
Rising seniors chosen will take a minimum of 1 dual enrollment class at Ivester and 1 dual enrollment business class at UGA each semester.
Transportation is provided and students return in time for their after-school activities.
Students should apply now with Ivester and register if needed for SAT/ ACT by early May.
|ung future Teacher scholars -
a program registering for fall 2025 -
Open to juniors and seniors!