Melodrama Performance

Shine, Act, Communicate, Create - My ideas, my thinking

Notice: start with the ākonga

What do you want to happen?

What would you like to do for this play? Do you want a lead or a small role? What would be your plan for this? Do you have people to work with? What questions do you have?

Have a look at what melodrama is about. What makes a good Melodrama? Complete this worksheet on Melodrama as you go through this project.

Think about and watch some melodramas.

Awaken our curiosity - Frontloading, immersing, connecting to ideas

Recognise - Strive to understand it

What learning will you do?

As a group, read the script that you have selected to gain an overall impression of the context of your scene. Consider the characters, the time, place and situation. Discuss the scene’s context and decide on characters, time, place and what is happening. Each character should have a clear reason or motive for his/her participation in the scene. Put these in your planning worksheet.

Find out about these features of Melodrama and give some examples of each in your melodrama worksheet:

  • Stock characters
  • Unlikely storylines
  • Good triumphs over evil
  • Use of asides
  • Audience participation by cue cards
  • Sound effects and music
  • Use of over the top voice
  • Use of costume to show stock character
  • Exaggerated acting

Select 4 of these features that you will show in this play. Put these on your melodrama worksheet and explain how you will use them.

Make sure you understand about voice, body, movement and space as they relate to drama. Read the glossary and write a few sentences about how you will apply these to your role.

Complete your Learning Narrative 1

Navigating our way - Questioning, Targeting, Provoking

Responding - Putting our understanding to good use.

What are the next learning steps?

For your performance you are expected to:

  • attend all rehearsals where you are required
  • come to rehearsals prepared. This includes bringing your script and a pencil to make notes
  • learn your lines out of class time
  • follow the deadlines in the rehearsal schedule
  • cooperate with the group to make the scene/s work
  • discuss with your group what costumes, props, set, music, make-up, sound, and lighting will enhance your production

Also consider how the features you have chosen will allow the audience to better understand the theatre form of melodrama.

Make notes on your script on:

  • your personal costume requirements
  • your personal props
  • any technical problems or requirements relevant to your role
  • any stage directions given
  • any notes on your role and what you will be doing, in particular around your chosen features of melodrama

Complete this worksheet on your role.

Exploring and discovering - Searching for answers, investigating, experimenting, investigation of ideas

Reflect? What is happening now?

For your performance, remember to:

  • support the production concept
  • perform the role as rehearsed
  • sustain the role, demonstrating appropriate use of voice, body, movement and space
  • work as a member of a team (in drama this is called an ensemble)

Make sure you are blocking the play effectively and that you have chosen at least 4 melodrama features to use each.

Perform your scene to others and get their feedback - what do they think?

  • From feedback, improve your pieces (Resilient)

Complete your Learning Narrative 2

Review and Reflect

Refine your performance and re-work until you think it is effective and convincing. (Resilient)

Listen carefully to the advice of your performers, and further refine and re-work your performance. Repeat the refining process until you feel your performance is as effective and convincing as you can make it.

Perform your melodrama to the class and get it videod. Each student in the group must participate in a way appropriate to his/her role, demonstrating a range of appropriate features and creating an impact on the audience. Connect with the audience in a way that enhances the feature of the melodrama so that the work is more convincing.

Get more feedback. Complete this reflection sheet.

Upload the video and worksheet to LincEd.

Complete your Learning Narrative 3