Music, Drama, and Dance

We wore gym shoes for gym but went bare footed for dancing. Mrs Macpherson a music teacher played the piano for these classes, so we had “live music”. Every term started with us lying in a line on the floor and raising our legs for a foot inspection to see if anyone had a verruca.

Ann Welsh (Class of 1963)

I never felt the need for boys in the classroom, but they had their extra-curricular uses… for instance drama.

Sheena McDonald (Class of 1972)

I was drawn far more to the literary and drama activities, for instance playing the handsome Roman captain in Miss Littlewood’s production of “Androcles and the Lion.” She told me to sit with my legs apart, hands on my knees, as I had a conversation with Lavinia, played by Gisela Thurston-Smith. I was to turn away from her as I said, “Lavinia, do Christians know how to,” and here I had to swing my head in her direction and look at her intently, “love?”

Vicky Stanton née Patterson (Class of 1972)