Delivering Online Instruction

Domain Introduction

Welcome to the Delivering Online Learning Domain

In this domain, you will:

  • Learn about the key concepts for delivering online instruction.

  • Examine example lessons in terms of the key concepts and what those key concepts look like in action using the domain checklist.

  • Apply your knowledge of the key concepts to the development of an online lesson.

View the video to help walk through this domain.

Delivering Online Instruction Domain: Key Concepts

The online learning is...

  • Focused on a learning objective.

  • Scaffolded and include models and/or mentor texts, videos, etc.

  • Reflective of best practice of teaching and learning relative to your content area/grade level.

  • Engaging and promotes student voice and choice.

Learn It!

The online learning is focused on a learning objective.

Explicitly state the learning objective in any instructional materials you are providing to students (texts, videos, etc). State why students need to access a learning resource and what they will learn from it.

A Tip from Grant Wood:

In UDL terms "heighten the salience of the learning goal" for students! Focus on the skills that students will acquire by going through the different learning resources.

For example: "These resources will help you understand how to make an inference in a text you are reading."

Reflection Question

  • What are ways that you can "heighten the salience of the learning objective" (UDL) in your online teaching practice?

The online instruction is scaffolded and includes models.

  • Include models of mastery. What does it look like when a student has achieved mastery?

  • Chunk learning into smaller more digestible segments.

  • Check for understanding or provide students an opportunity to practice new skills after each segment.

  • Provide learning in different modalities (print, video, etc).

  • Consider including screencasts or videos to elaborate concepts.

  • Structure learning into playlists (hyperdocs) that clearly articulate a progression of learning.

  • Text or video directions clearly state what a student should do with each element in the online environment.

A Tip from Grant Wood:

When identifying multiple ways for learners to acquire information, be sure to include those modalities that struggling learners ALREADY find success. For example, if a student struggles to read, but can grasp video content, providing a video option for all learners will set that particular learner up for success!

Reflection Questions

  • How do you already provide models and scaffolds for your learners?

  • After reviewing the video, have you identified additional opportunities to build in scaffolds and models for learners?

The scaffolds and models aren't enough? They may require additional supports.

The Problem-Solving for Learner Success module can provide a process to consider additional ways to support learners in a continuous learning environment. Head there now by clicking the green learner icon or later by using the left navigation bar.

Reflective of best practices in teaching/learning relative to your content area/grade level.

  • Use ways to engage or hook students into the learning task (i.e. anticipation guide, grounding phenomenon, connection to previous learning, etc).

  • Use instructional models appropriate to grade level/content area (i.e. gradual release of responsibility, inquiry-based learning, etc).

  • Build-in checks for understanding throughout the learning that allows students to get immediate feedback.

Reflection Question

  • What are some best teaching practices that you want to make sure to include in continuous learning experiences for your students?

The online learning is engaging and promotes student choice and voice.

  • The learning includes choice boards, playlists, etc.

  • Students have multiple opportunities to receive feedback from their peers and their instructor.

  • Students have opportunities to collaborate online with peers.

Reflection Question

  • What opportunities for including student choice could you see incorporating in continuous learning experiences for your students?

Why are the choice boards not working for my student? The learner may require additional supports or different choices.

The Problem-Solving for Learner Success module can provide a process to consider additional ways to support learners in a continuous learning environment. Head there now by clicking the green learner icon or later by using the left navigation bar.

Hybrid Instructional Strategy Resources

Instructional Video can be a great way to engage both the students who are in your classroom and the students who are learning remotely. Ensure that the instructional video includes a learning objective, is concise, and is immediately followed up by a check for understanding or application of learning. This video includes a discussion about instructional video best practices. You can find more resources on instructional videos at the GWAEA Blended Learning Website.

Apply It: Evaluate a Learning Opportunity

Choose one of the following weekly lessons to evaluate in terms of the Delivery of Online Instruction Checklist.

  • What parts of the checklist are visible in the lesson?

  • What parts of the checklist might need to be further addressed in the lesson?

Apply It: Design a Learning Opportunity

  1. Start with a previously taught lesson in a face-to-face environment.

  2. Apply the checklist to the lesson. How can you take this lesson online?

  • Should the content be delivered synchronously or asynchronously?

  • How should the content be chunked?

  • What tools might you use to deliver instruction?

  1. Revise the lesson to be delivered in an online synchronous or online asynchronous format.

  2. Apply the checklist again. Determine what additional changes or tweaks might you make?

"Look Fors" in this Domain

Use this checklist to assure you are utilizing the key components and look fors when you are preparing to deliver online instruction.

Deliver Online Instruction - Checklist

Wrapping Up Delivering Online Instruction

Locate your copy of the Continuous Learning Field Guide Log (a view only link is above) and record your thinking on your document. When you are done reflecting, click the button below to begin the next module.