Construction & Cabinetmaking I & II

Gene Smith

Room: CTE Lab & Woodshop

School Extension: (208) 462-3756 ext. 1081


Course Description

The Construction I course will cover: Safety, safety, safety. Did I mention SAFETY!

Then we'll get into how to measure accurately using a tape measure, ruler, square, and other items found in the Shop, at home, and the workplace. Students will be introduced to hammering, fastening, sawing, types of wood, and finishing techniques. Students will learn to SAFELY use the many tools in the Shop.

The Construction II course will cover: Safety, safety, safety. Sound familiar?

Second and third year students will demonstrate safety methods for each tool as a refresher. Then we'll get into more advanced cutting, fastening, building, and finishing techniques.

In both classes, we will also cover careers in construction, cabinetmaking and mill work. I'm planning to go on some field trips to job sites and manufacturing facilities. We'll discuss work ethic and work place relationships such as teamwork, respect, and collaboration. Students will learn industry standard techniques and will be guided according to nationally recognized construction standards (see: Idaho State Career and Technical Education (CTE) Standards (see through thematic project-based lessons.

Essential Learning Outcomes

  1. Create original works as a means of personal/group expression for potential commercial use. CTE Standard - (Creativity & Innovation; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making; Research & Information Fluency;)

  2. Communicate ideas effectively as well as contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. CTE Standard - (Communication & Collaboration)

  3. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use appropriate information from a variety of sources and media. CTE Standard - (Research & Information Fluency)

  4. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. CTE Standard - (Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making)

  5. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of tools. CTE Standard - (Safety)

  6. Select, use and troubleshoot tools effectively and productively. CTE Standard - (Machinery Operations & Concepts)

Course Objectives

The student will be able to demonstrate:

- Accurate measurements using a variety of instruments

- Ability to use computer terminology to research and design projects

- Assemble a project from piece to a complete build

- Ability to identify species of wood and their proper use

- Ability to safely use each tool in the Wood shop

- An understanding of basic woodworking for first year students

- A deeper understanding of woodworking techniques and demonstration of skill level

- Ability to search for, find, and document specific information from the Internet

- Ability to collaborate and solve problems individually and as a team

- A solid understanding of the curriculum and achieve at least 80% on quizzes and exams

Process & Methods

Students will become "self-starters" and demonstrate "work-ability" and "employ-ability" in our classroom. Students will need to pay full attention to all instructions, take notes from discussions and presentations, utilize the Google Classroom website and watch instructional demonstrations from the Internet frequently. The course will be taught using computer assisted instruction, lecture, demonstration, class discussion, individual assistance, hands on activities, homework, and independent projects.


Materials such as wood, screws, nails, sand paper, paint, and stain are provided by the CTE program. Specialty materials such as higher end quality hardwood, paint, stain fasteners will need to be purchased by the student. All tools are provided by the CTE program. Students may bring personally owned tools but must be responsible for their own maintenance and replacement of related consumables.


Students will be evaluated on participation, effort, and increasing skill level. Basic competency will be evaluated through quizzes and observation. All other learning outcomes will be assessed using projects with specific rubrics. Grades will be updated in Lumen (Bright Student) each week.

Classwork / Projects / Homework / Tests / Quizzes 60 %

Class participation 40 %

Class Participation

Respect everyone and everything! This means yourself, your classmate, your teacher, your school. This should be all you need to know but for further clarification, read the following:

Be in class every day, be on time, and be prepared to learn.

Always cooperate with your teacher and fellow students

Adhere to all school and classroom policies/guidelines

Follow teacher’s directions promptly

Be honest in all that you do. Cheating is never acceptable

Backpacks are to be put by the wall outside of the lab

All Cell phones, iPods/mp3 players, etc. are to be kept in your lockers. There may be times when we will use the camera function of your device and you will know when that time is. Otherwise, do not bring them to class

For your safety, always sit with the legs of the chairs completely on the floor

Food, drinks, gum, snacks, etc. are not allowed in the CTE Lab unless we have a planned event to include such items. No food or drink in the Wood shop, ever!

Leave your work area neat and orderly after every period. All trash, saw dust in the trash cans, and all equipment and tools put away in their proper place. Trash taken out each day

Deliberate damage to equipment will be paid for by the student and/or student’s parents

Bad language is never OK

Bathroom passes will not be issued during the first or last 15 minutes of class (unless it is a health need)

You are expected to be in class, ready to participate when the bell rings

Students who cannot contribute positively or act in a cooperative manner will receive the following consequences: 1st instance: asked to sit out of a portion of class and have a one on one talk with the teacher; 2nd instance: same as the 1st and their parents/guardians will be contacted by phone or email; 3rd instance: will be asked to go to the office and explain their behavior to the Principal.

Attendance, Make-ups, Homework, & Intervention

Daily class attendance is crucial to the student’s success. New material will be covered every class period. When the student is absent, the student will be responsible for the make-up work by checking the classroom website. Students are expected to make-up any missed assignments at home or on a Part Friday. Tests and quizzes are to be made up as quickly as possible after an absence. Homework includes studying for vocab tests, research, and/or finishing any classwork, projects, or makeup work.


Students are required to follow necessary equipment checkout procedures and are responsible to take good care of it and return it in good condition. Students will be responsible for any damaged or lost equipment.