Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Garden Valley School District

I've had the great pleasure to work in technology, education, and construction for 31 years. Prior to coming to Garden Valley, I worked in a very large school district where I responsible for managing forty staff who in turn managed 16,000 computing devices, 37,000 student accounts and 3,600 staff accounts at 57 locations. I've also owned two successful construction and remodeling businesses.

These were great jobs with many, many challenges. Being a Teacher and the Director of Technology at GVSD is also a great opportunity with many, many challenges. Overcoming the challenges and solving problems with the help of my students is what makes my job fun, interesting, and very rewarding.

2020 has been a year like no other in my lifetime. I grew up during the Cold War, Vietnam, Watergate, and the Iran Hostage crisis. I've seen the Berlin wall tumble, the USSR become just Russia, Desert Storm and of course 9-11 in 2001 was a horrific event that launched the ongoing war on terror. Yet with all of these events, 2020 has proved to be much more eventful with many things occurring all at once and it's only August! Update - It's now Feb, 2021. The last half of 2020 was even more eventful. A lot of it great, some, not so much.

Challenging times for sure but not anything we can't overcome. So far in my lifetime, I've watched technology innovations that were once fantasy on TV shows in the 60's and 70's become the tools we use everyday. I was six years old when the first man landing on the Moon. I've witnessed medical advancements first hand that help people recover from diseases and accidents that would have been impossible only a few short years ago. Our ability to communicate in real time is amazing! We truly have much to be thankful for and have many great opportunities ahead of us to accomplish what may seem impossible now, but will tomorrow be a reality. Dream BIG Wolverines and let's learn together!

CTE classes for 2020 - 2021 are:

Period 5 - 6th Grade Technology - CTE Lab

Typing, digital citizenship, digital research strategies, using technical tools to solve problems

Period 6 - Cabinetmaking I - CTE Manufacturing Shop

Students will master the ability to safely use every tool in the shop. They will also use software applications to plan and design their own project which they then will be able to build to completion.

7th Period - Cabinetmaking II & III- CTE Manufacturing Shop

For second and third year students. We cover advanced woodwork skills and tool use.

In all CTE courses, students will be guided according to nationally recognized technology standards (see:, NETS for Students) as well as Idaho State Career and Technical Education (CTE) Standards ( through thematic project-based lessons.