Computer Technology I

Computer Technology I

Gene Smith

Contact Info

Room: CTE Computer Lab

School Extension: 208.462.3756 (1081)


Course Description

The Computer Technology I course will cover: Digital media ethics, computer hardware and software basics, network hardware and software basics, business and creative production software applications. Students will learn the components of a computer as well as build one from parts. Students will master the foundation standards by which computer software technologies are utilized in the Garden Valley School District as well as in colleges and careers. Students will learn industry standard applications including Google Apps (Mail, Drive, Calendar, Sites), Adobe CC 2017 (i.e. InDesign, Photoshop, Premiere), Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher), and various web-based applications (aka: Web 2.0). Students will be guided according to nationally recognized technology standards (see:, NETS for Students) as well as Idaho State Career and Technical Education (CTE) Standards (see through thematic project-based lessons.

Essential Learning Outcomes

1. Create original works as a means of personal/group expression or commercial use.

CTE STANDARD - (Creativity & Innovation; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making; Research & Information Fluency; Digital Citizenship)

2. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats as well as contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.

CTE STANDARD - (Communication & Collaboration)

3. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use appropriate information from a variety of sources and media.

CTE STANDARD - (Research & Information Fluency; Digital Citizenship)

4. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.

CTE STANDARD - (Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making)

5. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology

CTE STANDARD - (Digital Ethics)

6. Select, use and troubleshoot applications effectively and productively

CTE STANDARD - (Technology Operations & Concepts)

Course Objectives

The student will be able to demonstrate:

- An understanding of current digital ethics issues.

- Ability to produce, save, retrieve, edit, and print correctly formatted and error free documents in an integrated software suite (Google Drive / MS Office 2016).

- Ability to use computer terminology and identify microcomputer hardware components as well as assemble a computer from parts to completion

- An understanding of a basic TCP/IP network

- Ability to search for, find, and document specific information from the Internet.

- Ability to create effective academic presentations.

- An understanding to basic desktop publishing and graphic design techniques and skills.

- Ability to create, manage, and use a personal Web Portfolio.

- Competency within the Google Apps Domain

- Ability to understand basic video shooting and editing techniques.

Process & Methods

Students will become "self-starters" and demonstrate workability and employability in our classroom. Students will need to pay full attention to all instructions, take notes from discussions and from the whiteboard, visit the class website and watch instructional demonstrations from the Internet frequently. The course will be taught using computer assisted instruction, lecture, demonstration, class discussion, individual assistance, hands on activities, homework, independent projects, and online learning.


The following materials are recommended for class: Headphones (USB or mini jack), a pen or pencil, a notebook, and a highlighter. It is recommended that students use their daily planners.


Students will be evaluated on keyboarding using the website. Basic computer literacy will be evaluated through quizzes. All other learning outcomes will be assessed using projects with specific rubrics. Grades will be updated in Lumen each week.

Classwork / Projects / Homework / Tests / Quizzes 75 %

Class participation 25 %

Class Participation

Respect everyone and everything! This means yourself, your classmate, your teacher, your school. This should be all you need to know but for further clarification, read the following:

- Be in class every day and be on time. Tardies will be marked as such in Lumen. The Attendance Clerk keeps track of all tardies. Too many will result in after school detention. You’ll actually get an opportunity to help the custodians clean the classrooms!

- Always cooperate with your teacher and fellow students

- Adhere to all school and classroom policies/guidelines

- Follow teacher’s directions promptly

- Be honest in all that you do. Cheating is never acceptable

- Backpacks are to be put on the counter, never on the floor or by your workstation

- All Cell phones, iPods/mp3 players, etc. are to be kept in your backpacks. There will be times when we will use them and you will know when that time is

- For your safety, always sit with the legs of the chairs completely on the floor

- Food, drinks, gum, snacks, etc. are not allowed in the Computer Lab

- Leave your work area neat and orderly after every period. All trash in the trash cans, keyboard and mouse straightened up and ready for the next class

- Inspect your workstation daily and report any problems (missing equipment, damage, malfunctions, etc.)

- Deliberate damage to equipment will be paid for by the student and/or student’s parents

- Bad language is never OK

- Bathroom passes will not be issued during the first or last 15 minutes of class (unless it is a health need)

- You are expected to be at your workstation when the bell rings, and are expected to remain there until the bell sounds to leave

Students who cannot contribute positively or act in a cooperative manner will receive the following consequences: 1st instance: asked to sit out of a portion of class and have a one on one talk with the teacher; 2nd instance: same as the 1st and their parents/guardians will be contacted by phone or email; 3rd instance: will be asked to go to the office and explain their behavior to the Principal.

Attendance, Make-ups, Homework, & Intervention

Daily class attendance is crucial to the student’s success. New material will be covered every class period. When the student is absent, the student will be responsible for the make-up work by checking the classroom website. Students are expected to make-up any missed assignments at home or on the Part Friday’s. Tests and quizzes are to be made up as quickly as possible after an absence. Homework includes studying for vocab tests, research, and/or finishing any classwork, projects, or makeup work.