Counseling Services

"It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop" - Confucius

Services at Romero Elementary School

Counseling program at RES includes the following supports:

  • Individual Counseling: This can occur in two different formats.

    • "Pep Talks" - These occur as needed to address a temporary need of your student (a grandparent passes away, a friend is being mean, etc.). My goal is to create a safe place to work through problems.

    • Individual Student Planning - Sometimes a student requires one-on-one counseling services in order to work through various difficulties. Topics include anger, stress management, anxiety, academic struggles, in-class behavior, low self-esteem, etc.

  • Group Counseling: Small groups are established as needed for various concerns such as death, divorce, anger, self-esteem, peer relations, etc.

  • Classroom Counseling Lessons: Classroom Counseling Lessons occur one to two times per month. Lesson topics include but are not limited to the following: being a good friend, making appropriate choices, study skills, and living a safe and healthy lifestyle.

  • Immediate Student Support: Sometimes our students have rough days and sometimes a break in a different environment can turn a day around. This occurs as needed.

If students would like to meet with me, they can request a meeting through their parent/guardian or teacher. Students are also referred to meet by parents/guardians, or school site staff. Please let me know if there is a situation in which you feel I may be of help.