Summary of Program

The vision of the Glendale Unified School District (GUSD) Teacher Induction Program is to build a cohesive, caring, and collaborative teacher integration system that supports teachers in their journey from teacher preparation through their continuous development as reflective proficient educators who create environments where all children can learn and thrive.

Induction Overview

Overview of the Glendale Unified School District

Teacher Induction Program

The Glendale Unified School District Teacher Induction Program is a two-year, individualized, job-embedded program that begins in the teacher’s first year of teaching. GUSD teachers holding preliminary single subject, multiple subject and/or education specialist credentials are eligible to enroll in this program, which is offered free of charge. The goals of the program are to provide teacher-centered mentor support and professional learning designed to meet the individual and professional needs of the new teacher; to foster measurable professional growth and competency; and to promote quality teacher retention. Teachers who complete the Induction requirements are recommended for their clear credentials.

Our program design is based on the new teachers’ individualized goals as they are mapped out on the Individual Learning Plan (ILP). The ILP is formulated with the support of the mentor teacher within the first 60 days of the participating teacher’s enrollment in the Teacher Induction Program. Upon enrollment, candidates submit their Individual Development Plan (IDP) from their Preliminary Credential Program (or create a new GUSD IDP/Transition Plan) which details areas of growth. Using the IDP, self-assessment, professional need and curiosity, and input from their mentors and site administrators, new teachers will devise goals that will anchor their inquiry research, exploration and reflection firmly in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs). The ILP is designed and implemented solely for the professional growth of the candidate and is not connected in any way to evaluation for employment purposes. Required components of the Individual Learning Plan inquiry will take new teachers through the Plan-Teach-Reflect-Apply cycle. Periodically teachers will assess their growth and progress in the CSTPs as measured by the Continuum for Teaching Practice and other reflective analyses of their work. All work will be compiled in an online electronic portfolio which will be reviewed for completeness, coherence and critical thinking by mentor teachers and program staff. 

The mentor-candidate relationship is at the heart of the program. Mentor teachers go through a rigorous selection process as outlined in the GUSD Collective Bargaining Agreement, which includes a classroom observation and interview conducted by members of the GUSD Peer Assistance and Review Panel. The Teacher Induction Program identifies and assigns a mentor teacher to each candidate within the first 30 days of enrollment in the program. As close as possible a match is made between mentor and candidate according to credentials held, grade level and/or subject area, and proximity to teaching site of the candidate. Dedicated weekly meetings of at least one hour per week with their mentor teachers will provide opportunities for mentors to provide “just in time” support as well as engage new teachers in reflective coaching to provide longer-term analysis of their teaching practice and development of enduring professional skills.

Mentors receive extensive professional development in conducting cognitive coaching conversations and goal-setting sessions, implementing observation protocols, and providing data-driven feedback. They have dedicated time for practice, problem-solving and professional development at required monthly mentor meetings and as needed. Multiple means of providing feedback to mentors are utilized including: new teacher feedback, formative assessment using a Continuum of Mentor Practice, and reflective conversations with other mentors and program staff. 

Program leadership will monitor and evaluate the program for quality, efficacy and responsiveness through surveys of all stakeholders; analysis of completion, retention and satisfaction data; and evaluation of new teacher portfolios (Individual Learning Plans and accompanying evidence of practice) for progress toward mastery of the CSTPs and completion of ILP activities. All of these factors combine to create a “S.A.G.E.” Teacher Induction Program based on Support, Assistance, Guidance, and Encouragement for new teachers and their mentors through collaboration, communication and coordination. 

GUSD Induction Journey Flow Map

_02. GUSD Journey Graphic flow map.docx

Scope and Sequence of Candidate Coursework

_03. Scope_and_Sequence_Flow_Map.docx

Scope and Sequence of ECO Candidate Coursework

_04. ECO_Scope and Sequence_Flow_Map.docx

ECO Interactive Flow Chart *

*Interactive flow maps have linked documents that can be accessed.  Click on the components to view the documents.