Enrollment Process & Forms

Induction Eligibility & Enrollment


1) Teacher candidate must hold a preliminary credential, both General Education or Education Specialist Credentials.

2) Teacher candidate is hired as teacher-of-record part or full-time by the Glendale Unified School District. 

The Glendale Unified School District offers a FREE (no cost or charge to the teacher) Induction program as the preferred means by which any teacher holding a preliminary General Education and/or Education Specialist teaching credential can attain a California Clear Credential.

At this time, teachers not employed by the district, such as private school teachers and out-of-district teachers, are not eligible for enrollment in the Glendale Unified School District Induction program.


Upon hire, candidates with Preliminary credentials are informed by the Human Resources Department that GUSD offers an induction program to assist them with obtaining their clear credentials. Contact with the Induction Teacher Specialist can occur in several ways. 1) New hires eligible for Induction are given a flyer with contact information for the Induction Teacher Specialist. 2) The Induction Teacher Specialist is given spreadsheets listing new hires with preliminary credentials that are updated every few weeks at the beginning of the year. 3) The Induction Teacher Specialist makes a brief presentation at New Teacher Orientation, which is organized by the Human Resources Department prior to the beginning of each school year. 4) Principals are contacted by the Induction Teacher Specialist requesting names of new staff members, or principals initiate this contact with the Induction Teacher Specialist. 5) Mentor teachers and other new teachers refer colleagues to the Induction Teacher Specialist. 

If contact with the Teacher Induction Program occurs at the beginning of the school year, the Induction Teacher Specialist invites the candidate to attend an Induction Informational Meeting. At this meeting, detailed information about the Induction program, as well as information regarding the Early Completion Option, is presented. Candidates fill out Teacher Induction Information sheets so eligibility for the program can be double-checked, and their individual questions can be answered in a one-to-one conversation with the Induction Teacher Specialist. All eligible candidates are then invited to attend the first Induction Professional Learning Community (PLC) meeting in September at which time they officially enroll in the Induction Program.

At the September Induction PLC meeting, candidates go over each item of the Participating Teacher Roles and Responsibilities document as well as the Academic Integrity Code and sign both documents. Eligible candidates also receive the Early Completion Option application which must accompany their verification of previous employment and be signed by their administrator indicating their support of an accelerated Induction program for the candidate.

If the candidate is hired later in the school year, the Induction Teacher Specialist meets individually with new candidates to provide the information. 


Candidates applying to the Induction program after October 31st must wait to enroll the next school year unless their credential is due to expire. If this is the case, the program works with Human Resources and the candidate to create the most appropriate Individual Learning Plan requirements and timeline to best serve the candidate’s needs within the parameters and guidelines of the program.


The Glendale Unified School District works with all newly hired candidate teachers who have previously participated in an Induction Program to help them transition from the previous Induction program work to the GUSD Teacher Induction Program with minimal disruption.


Glendale Unified School District assures that when a candidate has enrolled in the Induction Program, the candidate is matched with and assigned an Induction Mentor within 30 days of their enrollment. Each mentor is matched based on credentials held, grade level and/or subject area experience, and school site (whenever possible). Together the candidate teacher and the mentor will develop an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) to account for all progress made within the program. Goals for each candidate teacher will be developed within the context of the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) within the first 60 days of the teacher’s enrollment in the program. The enrolled candidate will remain in the program until the candidate completes program requirements, withdraws from the program, is dropped from the program based on established criteria, or is admitted to another program to complete program requirements, with minimal disruption, for authorization.


In accordance with GUSD Board Policy (BP 4030; BP 0410), all personnel decisions in the district regarding the admission, retention or graduation of candidates and decisions regarding employment, retention or promotion are made without consideration of differences due to gender or other constitutionally or legally prohibited considerations. 

GUSD Journey Flow Map

_02. GUSD Journey Graphic flow map.docx

GUSD Induction Flyer

_03. Kami Export - GUSD Induction flyer final.pdf

New Teacher Orientation Talking Points

_04. Talking Points NTO.docx

Induction Informational Presentation

_05. Induction INFORMATIONAL Feb 2022 no video.pdf

TIP Information Sheet

Induction Orientation Presentation

_07. Orientation Module - Updated 3-30-22.pdf

PT Roles & Responsibilities

PT Roles and Responsibilities v2-18-22.docx

Academic Integrity Code

_09. Academic Integrity Code.doc

ECO Requirements

_10. ECO Requirements.doc

MT PT Pairing Matrix

The ideal pairing of mentor and candidate is for both to have similar credentials, work site, and grade level or subject taught. This is not always possible so matches are made to include as much of this criteria as possible. Sometimes pairings are made where none of the criteria are aligned. In these cases, Program Staff can provide collaborative connections to content Teacher Specialists in the Teaching and Learning Department, site Teacher Specialists, and other teachers who can provide information, resources, modeling and coaching to supplement the work done by the mentor. PLEASE NOTE: Special Education candidates are ALWAYS paired with a Mentor who is a Special Education teacher with the same authorization as the candidate. 

Occasionally the candidate or mentor will ask for a change in the mentor-candidate assignment. This can be due to issues with logistics, a new mentor who is better match (see criteria above) becomes available, or a mismatch of mentor-candidate dynamics. Program staff is notified by the candidate or mentor. Whenever possible, the Program Staff will make the change confidentially. If there are no available appropriate mentors to facilitate this change, occasionally the pairing must continue for the school year with Program Staff carefully monitoring and coaching the process. The change then takes place for the second year if needed. If the candidate or mentor is not satisfied with how this change is handled, there is a grievance process in place that can be utilized.

MT PT Pairing 2021-2024.xlsx

MT PT Assignment Matrix

MT PT Assignment Matrix updated Spring 2022.pdf

BP-0410 Nondiscrimination District Programs and Activities

_12. BP-0410-Nondiscrimination.pdf

BP-4030 Nondiscrimination Tolerance / Appreciation of Differences

_13. BP-4030-NonDisTolApp.pdf