Extenuating Circumstances & Grievances

Extenuating Circumstances Extension of Program

Extenuating Circumstances Request

_02. Extenuating Circum Request 2016-2017.doc

If a candidate within the induction program encounters extenuating circumstances (such as, but not limited to, personal illness or injury, illness or death within the immediate family, or birth or adoption of a child) that do not allow successful completion of the program within the two years provided at no cost, that candidate must contact the Induction Teacher Specialist immediately.

Extensions of time or additional program support, based on the circumstances of specific personal situations, will be documented in an “Extenuating Circumstances Request” form developed by both the candidate and the Induction Teacher Specialist, and shared with the assigned Mentor teacher. Extensions of up to a year maximum may be granted.

Declining Participation in Induction

_04. GUSD Decline Letter 10-25-17.doc


If a candidate declines to enroll in the GUSD Teacher Induction Program, they must sign a Decline Statement indicating that they understand that the Commission wants candidates enrolled in an Induction Program in their first year of teaching and acknowledging that it is now their responsibility to find a program on their own. The form is signed by the candidate, the candidate’s administrator, and Induction Program Staff.

The document states that, should the candidate decide to re-apply to and enroll in the GUSD Teacher Induction Program, it is their responsibility to contact the Induction Program. It also states that they will not be eligible for the Early Completion Option if they decide to enroll at a later date since it is only offered in the first year of eligible enrollment.

This document provides evidence that the program was offered to the candidate in their first year of known eligibility and that it was their decision to decline the offer.

Withdrawal Procedure

_06. withdrawal letter template 2-14-18.doc


Occasionally a Participating Teacher will decide to withdraw from the program. Reasons include, but are not limited to: moving out of the area; taking a position with another employer; or wanting to enroll in a different Induction program that better suits their needs. If the reason for withdrawal is wanting to leave the teaching profession, the Induction Program staff counsels the Participating Teacher and tries to work out a program of support and Individual Learning Plan modifications more tailored to the teacher’s needs. If the reason for wanting to withdraw is due to extenuating circumstances, the Induction Program staff offers the possibility of applying for an Extenuating Circumstances extension when appropriate.

In order to withdraw from the GUSD Teacher Induction Program, the Participating Teacher

must sign a Withdrawal Statement indicating that they understand that the Commission wants candidates enrolled in an Induction Program in their first year of teaching and acknowledging that it is now their responsibility to find a program on their own. The form is signed by the candidate, the candidate’s administrator, and Induction Program Staff. The document states that, should the candidate decide to re-apply to and enroll in the GUSD Teacher Induction Program, it is their responsibility to contact the Induction Program. It also states that they will not be eligible for the Early Completion Option if they decide to enroll at a later date since it is only offered in the first year of eligible enrollment. This document further states that the GUSD Teacher Induction Program will provide records of any work completed to date upon request.

Dismissal from Induction Program

_08. GUSD Dismissal Letter 3-20-19.doc

Dismissal from Induction Program

If, despite repeated efforts of the Mentor Teacher and/or Teacher Induction Program staff, the candidate does not finish in the prescribed two years, as stated in the Participating Teacher Roles and Responsibilities document, which is agreed to and signed by each Participating Teacher as a condition of enrollment in the program, “the candidate will assume all responsibility for completing induction requirements at their own expense…The GUSD Induction Program reserves the right to require candidates to clear through another program after two years of participation.” As further stated in the Participating Teacher Roles and Responsibilities, “should the Participating Teacher fail to meet the stated conditions of the GUSD Teacher Induction Program, Program Leadership can drop the candidate from the program.” In these cases a Dismissal from Induction Program Form will be prepared by the Director of Teaching and Learning and the Induction Teacher Specialist and presented to the Participating Teacher for signature by the Director of Teaching and Learning. The original document, signed by the Participating Teacher and the Director of Teaching and Learning, will be retained by the GUSD Teacher Induction Program. Copies of the signed document will be sent to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, the Director of Human Resources, the Credentials Technician and the Participating Teacher’s site administrator.

Grievance Written Appeal Process

_09. GUSD Written Appeal Process.docx
_10. GUSD Written Appeal Form.doc

Program Closure Teach Out Plan

Program Closure - Teach out Plan

In the event that the program closes, each enrolled Participating Teacher will have the opportunity to complete the requirements for which they are enrolled. The teacher will receive an individual transition plan/transportability document of program participation, which indicates the teacher's progress in the program, as well as access to all his/her online documents. The Glendale Unified School District Teacher Induction Program will provide assistance in recommending open/existing induction programs that are nearby in order to minimize any disruption for the authorization.

Additionally, as per our Memorandum of Understanding with Burbank Unified School District, in the event the GUSD Teacher Induction Program closes, individuals who need to complete induction, and for whatever reason are unable to do so with GUSD, will be directed to join neighboring Burbank Unified School District's New Teacher Induction Program. Transportability documents will be provided to all participants needing to exit GUSD's program to enter BUSD's. New hires needing induction will be directed to Burbank Unified School District's program at the point of hire

Memorandum of Understanding with Burbank Unified School District

_12. Induction MOU with BUSD Approved 5-7-19.pdf