Summer Science + Sensorial


  • Use tweezers, tongs, or clothespins to pick up objects and move them from one container to another.

  • Make your own play dough. Experiment with making different colors or adding essential oils or ground spices for scents. Try a variety of tools with the play dough; stamp images in the play dough using natural materials (rocks, pine cones), legos, toy animals etc.; roll the play dough into snake-like lines to make letters and words.

  • Water play!

  • Make home-made slime or Gak.

  • Bead on string, pipe cleaners, or wire.

  • Poke pipe cleaners through cardboard egg cartons or styrofoam.

  • Practice zipping and buttoning.


  • Keep a nature/science journal. Draw your observations and experiences. Try making an observational drawing of something you find in nature. You can help your child label their pictures or by writing their words to describe what they drew.

  • Go on a scavenger hunt for different things. Ideas could be colors, textures, flowers, leaves, animals, signs an animal has been there (tracks, left food such as nuts, seeds, holes, dirt dug up at the base of a tree, nests)

  • Sharpen your observation skills and play I spy at the beach or in the woods.