Rising 2nd Grade
Rising Second Grade Summer Learning
For students entering second grade in Fall 2024.
Happy Summer First Graders!
What an amazing year we had in first grade, and now you are all ready for second grade next fall. Whether you are returning to GUS or starting 2nd grade at another school, we have put together a packet of work to keep those skills fresh this summer. Second grade teachers would like students to read The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi. This can be a family read aloud. The book will prompt class discussion in the fall.
Besides the worksheets in the packet we sent home, here are some other activities you should continue this summer:
Read: The more you read, the more fluent you will become. You will recognize more words and even learn new ones. Use your summer reading logs to track how many books you have read. You can also make copies of the Book Review to fill out after you have read a book or write a little summary or reaction to the story in your journal.
Journal: Use the journal you brought home to keep track of your summer. You can then bring that journal back to school with you in the fall and share your summer writing with Ms. Buck and Ms. D!
Math Facts: Make flash cards with your family and practice those basic facts. You can also play some dice games with parents, siblings and friends.
100s Board work: Use the 100’s board in your packet to practice counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, etc. Practice starting at random numbers and count up and down.
There are Grade 1 Language Arts and Math summer skill review workbooks available for purchase. These books will help students review the math and reading skills that they learned in 1st Grade.
IXL and LEXIA work will also be helpful to keep those skills fresh over the summer! Your logins are on both of the folders sent home.
Have a great summer!
Mr.s Gallo and Ms. Catalfamo