
French - Curriculum Intent

Our vision for French at Gurnard Primary School is to ensure that all learners have a secure foundation in the knowledge and skills that they will need for the future as learning a language and the customs associated with that language broadens horizons. The School values of Respect (for other languages, Customs and cultures), Belonging (No Outsiders -celebrating other languages) and Success ( celebrating successes, no matter how small through praise and support) form the basis of French lessons.

Pupils are provided with opportunities to learn basic vocabulary, pronunciation and sentence structures which underpin language learning and are built upon as they progress through the school. An interactive and fun aspect to lessons is achieved through the use of songs and games. Finding out about French culture, customs and special celebrations is an integral part of learning French. There are also opportunities for pupils to take part in whole school language events to explore additional languages. 

Please explore this page to find out more about French at Gurnard Primary School, and the opportunities that are available for our learners.

Our Values:


Learners at Gurnard respect each other. They understand and respect the importance of relationships, and treat each other with kindness. They listen carefully to each other when pronouncing new words. Finding out about other languages, customs and cultures forms part of French lessons and the children respect both differences and similarities.  


Learners at Gurnard are given opportunities to succeed in all areas of the French curriculum. They are supported and challenged to do their best. Through careful task design, support mats, knowledge organisers small step teaching, learners are supported to become confident and successful  during French lessons. 


Learners at Gurnard should feel that they belong. They are shown that they are valued and successful budding French linguists. They are provided with opportunities to celebrate other cultures and languages. Mixed nationality families are reflected in this and learners are encouraged to share  their culture and customs with their peers.