Pupil Work: Reading

Pupil Work: Reading

On this page is a selection of work to demonstrate the learning that takes place in reading lessons across the school. We have included a variety of work, alongside photos of the children learning and participating in class to show the wide range of activities and enrichment events in which they take part. For Reading in Early Years and Year 1 please look at the phonics page for pupil work.

Year 2

Once decoding and fluency are well established through the teaching of Phonics, the focus shifts to comprehension. In Year 2 reading is delivered through a whole class reading model in which the text is read using choral or echo reading. Tasks are then completed focusing on the five reading domains in Key Stage 1 of vocabulary, identify and explain key aspects of texts, sequencing, prediction and inference.

Lower Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2, children build on the good reading habits and reading fluency established in Key Stage 1. The teaching of reading skills is still addressed through English lessons and discrete guided or whole class reading sessions. In Years 3 and 4 children read books that are structured in a variety of ways and continue to listen to and discuss a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays and non-fiction. Children identify new vocabulary and check the meaning of words using dictionaries. Tasks focus on the key domains of explaining the meaning of words in context, retrieve and record information and key details, summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph, make inferences from the text and justify inferences with evidence from the text, prediction, identify / explain how information / narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole, identify / explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases, make comparisons.

Upper Key Stage 2

In Upper Key Stage 2 children continue to build on their fluency and comprehension skills. Children continue to read an increasingly wide range of text types and recommend books that they have read to their peers, giving reasons for their choices. They complete tasks based on the content domains as in Lower Key Stage 2, but with increasing sophistication and difficulty.


At Gurnard we aim to encourage a love of reading and books in order to create life long readers. Our ultimate aim is for our children to become confident and independent readers who regularly enjoy being immersed in a range of books, want to read regularly and to discuss their reading. In part, we try to achieve this through enrichment activities which inspire a love of books such as World Book Day, Theme days, the Isle of Wight Literacy Festival, Author talks, performances and competitions.