Inclusion: Reading

Inclusion: Reading

Reading is an essential and fundamental skill to learning and it is therefore necessary to ensure that difficulties with reading do not become a barrier to learning in other foundation subjects, as well as ensuring that reading lessons are as inclusive as possible.

Interventions for reading are an integral part of our English curriculum, allowing us to give additional support to those pupils who require it. Our current range of interventions for English includes: Nessy; Rapid Reading; Rapid Phonics; 1: 1 Daily Reading; Precision Teaching; and Toe by Toe.

Most pupils on the SEND register have reading and comprehension as one of their targets. Teachers plan and teach English lessons which are differentiated to the particular needs of such learners. We help each child maximise their potential by providing help and support where necessary whilst striving to help children become more independent by equipping them with the confidence, tools and strategies that they need.

Rigorous, ongoing assessment for learning ensures that teaching and learning activities are aimed at the point at which SEND pupils can develop their understanding and skills. Pupils may be supported through: the provision of differentiated activities; carefully-levelled reading materials; support from an adult; the use of word-banks and place mats; use of talking tins/recording devices; and by differentiated expectations of outcomes during open ended tasks.

Other strategies that may be used to support learners in reading are: materials printed on coloured paper, coloured overlays, paired reading, whole class reading- echo reading and choral reading, adults scribing ideas.