Q: I'm currently a first-year student.  Can I apply?

A: Yes!  As long as you are a sophomore (24 credit hours) or second-year status by the start of employment, then you can apply.

Q: I plan to "study away" during the spring 3-week session next year.  Can I still be an RA?

A: Yes.  ResEd &Housing will work with RAs' schedules for anyone who will be studying away during the spring 3-week session. You'd be expected to plan ahead and conclude your duties during the time that you are on-campus. 

Q: I'm applying to be an RA.  Should I still fill out the Housing Application for next year?

A: Yes, please complete the Housing Application.   In the event that you are not hired, this will ensure that you are housed in your preferred location.

Q: If hired, which building will I be placed in?  Do I get to pick where I live?

A: Placement is based upon several factors including what student population you prefer to work with (first-years, upper class, Honors, etc.), do not prefer to work with, in addition to ensuring RAs are placed in the location we feel is most effective in order to build a strong team for that hall and community. We will do our best to accommodate your housing preferences, but this cannot always be guaranteed.  Initial placement is also subject to change. 

Q: If I am hired as an RA in the apartments, can I pick who I live with?

A: If you are hired and housed in an apartment, you will have the opportunity to pull students into your apartment.

Q: Who can I contact if I have questions?

A: Contact Res Ed and Housing Team (resed@guilford.edu)  or TeAsia Gist tgist@guilford.edu with any questions.