Undocumented/DACA FAQ

General Questions

What is DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)?

On June 5, 2012, President Barack Obama issued an Executive Order that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would not deport certain undocumented youth who came to the United States as children. Certain undocumented people who came to the United States as children and meet several key guidelines may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal, and would then be eligible for work authorization.

What is the current status of DACA?

As of August 2019 the Department of Justice is accepting renewal applications for DACA recipients looking to extend their status. For the most up-to-date information please visit the National Immigration Law Center's website.

Will Guilford College release my information to ICE?

Guilford College will never share student documentation status voluntarily. The only way the information would be shared with any federal or state agency is if they have a subpoena.

Do I have to drop out of school when my DACA status expires?

No. Documentation status does not affect your matriculation or any financial aid you receive from Guilford.

Am I safe as an undocumented student at Guilford College?

At Guilford we do our best to ensure a safe home for all of our students. If you are worried about your safety due to your documentation status on campus please reach out to the Immigrant Student Coordinator, Liz Torres Melendez.

Admissions Questions

Are undocumented students/DACAmented students eligible to apply at Guilford?

Yes! If you fill out our application through our website, you can leave information blank related to documentation and social security and it will NOT impact your consideration for admissions.

Do you collect DACA status/documentation status on your application?

We do ask on the common application for citizenship status, birthplace, other citizenship, current US Visa, Intended US Visa for students to complete. However, if you fill out the application on our site you are welcome to leave those fields empty.

How are undocumented/DACAmented students considered for admissions?

All students are treated equally for admission, we are a holistic review processing team.

Do you share status information with anyone?

No. The only groups who see the information on your application are the Offices of Admissions and Financial Aid.

Financial Aid Questions

What scholarships are available for undocumented students?

At Guilford all students have access to the same aid from the institution. Any need based or merit based scholarship that is available to documented students is also available to undocumented students. Instead of filing out the FAFSA we ask that undocumented students fill out our Financial Assessment Worksheet. This form is confidential and the information is not shared with anyone on campus or off campus. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid if you need this worksheet.

Are there specific scholarships for immigrant students?

No. All of the scholarships available through the institution are open for all students, regardless of citizenship or documentation status. However, for a list of outside scholarships available to undocumented students please visit Immigrants Rising.

Will my aid package be impacted if my DACA status expires?

No. Scholarships attained at matriculation stay with you until you graduate as long as your academic standing holds.

Am I eligible for work study?

Undocumented students are NOT eligible for Federal work study. However, departments on campus have funds that allow them to hire students without a social security number. This is often called 'institutional work study.'