Prenatal Lactation Classes

Lactation Planning: Deciding If It Is Really Possible To Breastfeed & If It Is What Will Work For You

Why did no one tell me? I did not know this would happen! So, is this normal? How long will this last? The first weeks postpartum is full of physical and emotional changes, however, only a few prepare to face them. Let us discuss the evolution of postpartum recovery, lactation, and baby adaptation so you do not see them as problems or danger signs.

Nursing our babies is natural, but it stopped being seen as natural in our society a long time ago. One of the main reasons to give it up, is the perception that nursing will be instantaneously perfect, except it actually takes time, patience, and adaptation to changes from everyone in the family. 

This workshop is for those undecided to nurse, those wondering what is true, and those wanting to be more informed for themselves as parents, grandparents, or as a support team.

Pregnancy is the ideal time to learn about the milk-making process, right before that little baby becomes the center of attention.

**This class is available from 32 to 42 weeks of pregnancy only

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