

Homeostasis has a large effect on what exercise is needed. For a body to be in homeostasis it needs to be at a proper temperature and contain and circulate the correct amount of blood. Exercise helps lower the risk of diseases and other illnesses by creating stronger organs and most importantly immune system. Homeostasis can be determined by the activities people do like exercise and eating because those are the two most important things to homeostasis. Exercise helps the brain develop and creates health mind and body meaning that homeostasis is achieved by these factors. If exercise is not a daily or semi-daily activity then the body loses use and exercise of muscles making them weaker. With weaker muscles blood can not flow as fast creating issues when blood is needed quickly. With weaker muscles it also becomes harder to do normal activities and do simple stuff. Exercise also increases the brain muscles meaning faster and more intricate thinking. Without the use of exercise the body becomes lazy and does not want to exercise regularly anymore meaning they won't. Without regular exercise the body can not burn off fat and other proteins that the body does not need meaning they will be stored creating an unhealthy body living without homeostasis.