Parent Accounts

Infinite Campus


Infinite Campus is our Student Information System and contains all of the official information related to your student’s enrollment, including attendance, grades, and other important district and school communication. 

Infinite Campus Parent Access Form

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💻PARENT Sign In Page



Schoology is used to deliver, collect, and grade student assignments and assessments and post important school and class resources. 

PARENTS will need an access code

📱Download Android App

📱Download Apple App

💻PARENT Sign In Page

Talking Points


Talking Points is a free text messaging tool teachers and parents can use to communicate with each other. This tool offers translation as well, so messages will be displayed in your preferred language. 

📱Download Android App

📱Download Apple App

Go Guardian


GoGuardian is GUHSD's primary digital security tool.

Families can take advantage of the GoGuardian PARENT app to help limit and monitor student Chromebook use outside of School hours.

📱Download Android App

📱Download Apple App 

Need Help?

Please call our District Help Desk at (619) 956-4357

Hours: Monday - Friday (7am-4pm)