Topic Connections

Homeostasis and Cells: Depression is connected to homeostasis and cells because it takes the body, specifically the brain, out of homeostasis. Specifically, the Hippocampus, a part of the brain dealing with memory and emotion, is much smaller than average. The longer someone is depressed, the smaller it becomes. This means depression takes this part of the brain out of homeostasis.

Evolving Through Interactions in The Environment: This concept can connect to depression because it is often developed through events that occur within someone's personal environment. For example, a traumatic event or stress caused within someone's environment may be one of many causes leading to depression. The persons emotions evolve as they interact with people and things within their environments.

How Biotic and Abiotic Factors Affect Each Other: Similar to how someone's environment can affect their state of mind and cause depression, the biotic and abiotic factors around someone can as well. The way people treat one another can have a huge impact on a positive or negative mindset. This shows a biotic factor of our world affecting another negatively. Abiotic factors can be related to depression because many are involved in everyday activities, which may become unappealing for someone experiencing depression.