Tips for Preventing Illness

Holidays hold many opportunities for traditions and time spent with family. These gatherings can provide important times together, but can also increase the risk of exposure to COVID -19. When making plans for the holidays consider what precautions you can take for the safety of yourself and the people around you.

General Safety

  • Wear a mask in areas where COVID-19 community level is high

  • Wash hands frequently especially before preparing or touching food.

  • Get tested if you are experiencing symptoms. If you aren't sure where to get tested locations can be found here

  • Follow guidelines for quarantining if you have known exposure or have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Tips For Gathering

  • The best way to protect those around you from COVID-19 risks is to be vaccinated if you are eligible and able.

  • Do not host or attend gatherings if you, or a member of your household are feeling unwell.

  • Consider additional precautions if you have a family member with a weakened immune system.

Travel Considerations

  • Wear a mask when utilizing public transportation.

  • if you are travelling take time to view the CDC's travel guide for best recommendations on things like, domestic and international travel, safer travel tips, mask requirements, and destination specific information.

  • Do not travel if you are sick with COVID-19 symptoms or if you have suspected or diagnosed COVID-19.

Protecting our Campus

  • Be mindful of any symptoms of illness

  • If you are feeling sick stay home.

  • The CDC recommends being tested for COVID if you are experiencing potential symptoms of COVID.

Information taken from CDC website Photos provided by Unsplash