
Soccer in GESD

GESD provides all students who are in 6th through 8th grade the opportunity to play Soccer as an afterschool enrichment program. To participate, students must meet district expectations and athletic policies.

Glendale Elementary School District Athletic Policies and Expectations

Your first responsibility is to be a Student, then an Athlete. Participating in athletics is a privilege and with that, comes certain responsibilities for Student Athletes.

Athlete Expectations

Hard work, effort and positive attitude are expectations of a Student Athlete, both on and off the court. You have to earn your playing time with your ability, effort and attitude at practice, during games and in the classroom. You are expected to represent yourself in a positive way by displaying good citizenship and sportsmanship. This includes showing respect towards all authority figures, including officials, coaches and school staff. It is unacceptable to argue with or disrespect teachers, coaches or officials. Playing time is not guaranteed for the season. Playing time may not be equal for all students.

Coaches Expectations

Coaches will maintain a safe environment and will treat athletes with respect. They will collect athletic contracts, monitor eligibility of athletes and communicate with parents/guardians. All team roster decisions are the sole responsibility of the coach. Coaches are responsible for staying with their team after practices/games until all athletes have left the practice facility/ field to go home. Students may be picked up or have a written note explaining they are allowed to walk home.


Weekly grade checks will occur with all athletes. Each athlete must maintain a 2.0 GPA with no “1” in a class, (1.0-1.9) Grades will be given to the coach at the end of the day on Thursdays. Coaches may choose to collect grades through email or as a responsibility of the athlete. Students will be informed on Fridays of any missing or incomplete work. Students have until Monday to complete and turn in work. Clearance to play will come from teacher(s) by email or in writing to the coach. If the work is not turned in, you are ineligible to participate in practices and/or games.


Detentions affect your playing time. If you are not at practice, you miss out on learning plays, drills and routines. Your detentions affect the entire team. Two detentions or a failure to serve a detention will result in the athlete not being eligible to play the 1st half of the next scheduled game.


  • In School Suspension ~ Student athletes who are suspended in school are ineligible to participate if a game is scheduled on the day of suspension.

  • Out of School Suspension ~ Student athletes who are suspended from school are ineligible to participate if a game is scheduled on the day of suspension and are not permitted on GESD premises. If a game is not scheduled on the day of suspension, student athletes will be ineligible for the next scheduled game.

  • Student athletes, who receive in school suspension or out of school suspension a second time during the season, are ineligible to participate the remainder of the season.

Medical Policy

Students are encouraged to get an annual physical and have medical insurance. Families may obtain insurance through the district or an outside agency. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to let the coaches know of any existing conditions or injuries in writing. In the event of a medical situation or emergency, the parent/guardian will be notified immediately. The use of prescription medications must be checked in through the nurse, including inhalers. Inhalers can be carried by athletes once approved by the nurse.

Illegal Substances

There will be an immediate expulsion from participation in athletics for the remainder of the school year, if an athlete is found in possession of an illegal substance, police will be notified.

Uniform Policy

Coaches are responsible for obtaining their season athletic uniforms from their Site AD. The district recommendation for care is for the coach to be responsible for handing out uniforms to the athletes before every athletic competition. Once the athletic competition is over for the day, the coach will collect uniforms and keep them until the next scheduled game. This ensures that uniforms are not lost, stolen, or ruined.

All athletic uniforms are to be returned to the school upon completion of the season by the head coach. All equipment that is borrowed must be returned to the school or back to the District Athletics Director upon completion of the season Any lost or broken articles must be replaced at the expense of the parent/guardian.

Parent/Family Expectations

Players Play ~ Coaches Coach ~ Officials make the calls ~ Parents Support

We want our athletic experiences to be a positive learning environment. As adults, we can help by keeping in mind that coaches and officials are doing their best for your kids. We may not always agree, but we can always model self control, sportsmanship and a positive attitude. Harassment, intimidation or the use of vulgarity at a sporting event will result in a verbal warning from a school official. If the behavior continues, the person will be asked to leave. If the person refuses to leave, police will be contacted.

24 Hour Rule

As parents, please address any concerns you may have 24 hours after the game has ended. Please do not approach the coach during the game or on the field/court. Please do not approach the coach after the game or in the parking lot. Coaches will be more than happy to discuss any of your concerns with you on the telephone or in person at school, 24 hours after the game by appointment. Concerns that are not resolved can be communicated by calling 623-237-4171.

“Cooler heads make better decisions”

Transportation Policy

Transportation services are not provided by the Glendale Elementary School District. Students and families are responsible for student’s transportation. On game nights, each athlete will have access to a telephone in order to call for a ride. Within 20 minutes after the last student has called for a ride, all players must be picked up. If a child is not picked up in that frame of time, he/she will receive a verbal warning from their coach. A second incident will result in a one game suspension. If an athlete is not picked up within 30 minutes, police will be notified.

Prerequisites for Participation

The following prerequisites must be met prior to any participation (including practice) in the program.

  • Students are to be a 6th-8th grade student at a school in Glendale Elementary School District

  • Complete Tryout days set by the Coach

  • Signed Parent and Student Athletic Contract

  • Student watch the concussion video and return a Signed Concussion Statement and Acknowledgement form

  • Concussion Information

  • Academic eligibility

Weekly grade checks will occur with all athletes. Each athlete must maintain a 2.0 GPA with no “1” in a class, (1.0-1.9) Grades will be given to the coach at the end of the day on Thursdays. Coaches may choose to collect grades through email or as a responsibility of the athlete. Students will be informed on Fridays of any missing or incomplete work. Students have until Monday to complete and turn in work. Clearance to play will come from teacher(s) by email or in writing to the coach. If the work is not turned in, you are ineligible to participate in practices and/or games.