
Reading Groups

In contrast to the usual seminars, the goal of a reading group is to present papers written by others and not by members of our group. The format of the talks is decided by the speaker, but an ideal talk discusses the paper at hand in detail. Talks are typically between 1 and 1.5 hours. Recordings of talks linked below are visible only within GSSI.

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • [Verification Methods] 23/11, 2022. Christian Bartolo Burlo' presented part of his ongoing work on testing RESTful APIs through session types

  • [Verification Methods] 10/11, 2022. General discussion on how to run the reading group

  • [Verification Methods] 19/10, 2022. Emerson Sales: "JavaScript Instrumentation for Search-Based Software Testing: A Study with RESTful APIs" by Man Zhang, Asma Belhadi, and Andrea Arcuri

  • [Verification Methods] 20/9, 2022. Christian Bartolo Burlo': "Empirical Comparison of Black-box Test Case Generation Tools for RESTful APIs" by Davide Corradini, Amedeo Zampieri, Michele Pasqua, Mariano Ceccato

  • [Verification Methods] 6/9, 2022. Alex Coto / Catia Trubiani: "Data-driven Mutation Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems" by Enrico Viganò, Oscar Cornejo, Fabrizio Pastore, and Lionel Briand

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • May, 6/13, 2021. Vahan Mkrtchyan:
    "Measure and Conquer: A Simple O(2^{0.288 n}) Independent Set Algorithm" by Fomin, Grandoni, and Kratsch

  • Apr, 22/29, 2021. Gianlorenzo D'Angelo:
    "Adaptive Seeding in Social Networks" by Seeman and Singer

  • Mar, 18, 2021. Cosimo Vinci:
    "Approximating the Nash Social Welfare with Indivisible Items” by Cole and Gkatzelis

  • Feb, 25, 2021. Alessandro Aloisio:
    "Parameterized Complexity of Firefighting" by Bazgana, Chopin, Cygan, Fellows, Fomin, and van Leeuwen

  • Feb, 11, 2021. Paolo Serafino:
    "Fair Cake Division Under Monotone Likelihood Ratios" by Barman and Rathi

  • Feb, 4, 2021. Bojana Kodric:
    "Finding a Bounded-Degree Expander Inside a Dense One" by Becchetti, Clementi, Natale, Pasquale, and Trevisan
    Video] [PDF]

  • Jan, 28, 2021. Debashmita Poddar:
    "Efficient approximation algorithms for adaptive influence maximization" by Huang, Tang, Han, Xiao, Chen, Sun, Tang, and Lim

  • Jan, 21, 2021. Sajjad Ghobadi:
    "On the (im)possibility of fairness” by Friedler, Scheidegger, and Venkatasubramanian

  • Dec, 17, 2020. Esmaiel Delfaraz:
    "On β-Plurality Points in Spatial Voting Games” by Aronov, de Berg, Gudmundsson, and Horton
    "Plurality in Spatial Voting Games with Constant β" by Filtser and Filtser

  • Dec, 3, 2020. Ruben Becker:
    "Parallel Graph Decompositions Using Random Shifts” by Miller, Peng, and Xu

  • Nov, 26, 2020. Cosimo Vinci:
    "The Unreasonable Fairness of Maximum Nash Welfare” by Caragiannis, Kurokawa, Moulin, Procaccia, and Wang

  • Nov, 19, 2020. Mirko Rossi:
    "A Quick Method for Finding Shortest Pairs of Disjoint Paths" by Suurballe and Tarjan

  • Nov, 12, 2020. Pierluigi Crescenzi:
    "Temporal Cliques Admit Sparse Spanners" by Casteigts, Peters, and Schoeters

  • Nov, 5, 2020. Nicola Cotumaccio:
    "On the Hardness and Inapproximability of Recognizing Wheeler Graphs" by Gibney and Thankachan

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Jul, 29, 2020. Debashmita Poddar:
    "Adaptive Submodular Influence Maximization with Myopic Feedback" by Salha, Tziortziotis, and Vazirgiannis

  • Jul, 15, 2020. Konstantin Prokopchik:
    "Robust Spectral Clustering for Noisy Data" by Bojchevski, Matkovic, and Günnemann

  • Jul, 8, 2020. Vahan Mkrtchyan:
    "How to Pack Directed Acyclic Graphs into Small Blocks" by Asahiro, Furukawa, Ikegami, and Miyano

  • Jul, 1, 2020. Hugo Gilbert:
    "Best of Both Worlds: Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Fairness in Resource Allocation" by Freeman, Shah, and Vaish

  • Jun, 17, 2020. Paolo Serafino:
    "Bounded Incentives in Manipulating the Probabilistic Serial Rule" by Wang, Wei, and Zhang

  • Jun, 3, 2020. Sajjad Ghobadi:
    "Exploring Algorithmic Fairness in Robust Graph Covering Problems" by Rahmattalabi, Vayanos, Fulginiti, Rice, Wilder, Yadav, and Tambe

  • May, 27, 2020. Nilakantha Paudel:
    "Incremental 2-Edge-Connectivity in Directed Graphs" by Georgiadis, Italiano, and Parotsidis

  • May, 13, 2020. Bojana Kodric:
    "Obtaining Costly Unverifiable Valuations from a Single Agent" by Segal-Halevi, Alkoby, Sharbaf, and Sarne

  • May, 6, 2020. Gianlorenzo D'Angelo:
    "Maximum Coverage Problem with Group Budget Constraints and Applications" by Chekuri and Kumar

  • Apr, 30, 2020. Ruben Becker:
    "Randomized Rounding Without Solving the Linear Program" by Young

  • Apr, 8, 2020. Debashmita Poddar:
    "On Adaptivity Gaps of Influence Maximization under the Independent Cascade Model with Full Adoption Feedback" by Chen and Peng

  • Apr, 1, 2020. Hugo Gilbert:
    "Color-coding" by Alon, Yuster, and Zwick

  • Mar, 18, 2020. Esmaiel Delfaraz:
    "Single-Peakedness and Total Unimodularity: Efficiently Solve Voting Problems Without Even Trying” by Peters

  • Mar, 4, 2020. Cosimo Vinci:
    "Rental Harmony: Sperner's Lemma in Fair Division" by Su

  • Feb, 26, 2020. Vahan Mkrtchyan:
    "Simpler Parameterized Algorithm for OCT" by Lokshtanov, Saurabh, and Sikdar

  • Feb, 19, 2020. Paolo Serafino:
    "On Core-Selecting and Core-Competitive Mechanisms for Binary Single-Parameter Auctions" by Markakis and Tsikiridis

  • Feb, 13, 2020. Sajjad Ghobadi:
    "Maximizing the Spread of Influence through a Social Network" by Kempe, Kleinberg, and Tardos

  • Feb, 5, 2020. Ruben Becker:
    "Nearly Maximum Flows in Nearly Linear Time” by Sherman