Ph.D. Program

Completed Ph.D. Theses


  • PAGLIARI Lorenzo: "Performance Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems" [PDF]
    Defense date: Nov 16, 2020

  • DI STEFANO Luca: "Modelling and Verification of Multi-Agent Systems via Sequential Emulation" [PDF]
    Defense date: Oct 13, 2020

  • ABDELSALAM Ahmed: "Service Function Chaining with Segment Routing" [PDF]
    Defense date: Sep 22, 2020

  • KHAN Imran: "Journey Planning in Delay Prone Public Transit Networks" [PDF]
    Defense date: Jul 31, 2020

  • DAS Teerath: "Investigating Performance Issues in Mobile Apps” [PDF]
    Defense date: May 11, 2020


  • CRUCIANI Emilio: "Simple Randomized Distributed Algorithms for Graph Clustering" [PDF]
    Defense date: Dec 19, 2019

  • MAURO Manuel: "Social Effects on Envy-Freeness and Discrimination of Prices in Multi-Unit Markets" [PDF]
    Defense date: Dec 19, 2019

  • CORÒ Federico: "Exploiting Social Influence to Control Opinions in Social Networks" [PDF]
    Defense date: Nov 28, 2019

  • CAROSI Raffaello: "Selfishness in Cut and Coalition Formation Problems" [PDF]
    Defense date: Jul 25, 2019

  • CELLINESE Francesco: "Selfishness and optimization for multi-agent packing and coverage problems" [PDF]
    Defense date: Jul 25, 2019

  • DUONG Tan: "Programming and verifying systems relying on attribute-based communication" [PDF]
    Defense date: Jul 12, 2019

  • PANDEY Bishwajeet Kumar: "Design of Training Environment: An Emulator of Water Supply System in Turin Node of Italian Cyber Ranges" [PDF]
    Defense date: Jul 11, 2019

  • SCOCCIA Gian Luca: "Enhancing Trustability of Android Applications via Flexible Permissions" [PDF]
    Defense date: Jul 9, 2019

  • INCERTO Emilio: "Formal Design of Performance-driven Self-adaptive Systems under Uncertainty" [PDF]
    Defense date: Apr 5, 2019

  • TANOLI Irfan Khan: "Describing Data Privacy Policies in Controlled Natural Languages by Semi-automatic Translations" [PDF]
    Defense date: Jan 23, 2019


  • VINCI Cosimo: "Coping with Selfishness in Congestion Games" [PDF]
    Defense date: Jun 15, 2018

  • COLELLA Feliciano: "Fault-tolerant networks: fast and effective solutions in centralized and distributed settings" [PDF]
    Defense date: Feb 16, 2018

  • SUBRAMANIAN Venkatapathy: "Modelling, Design and Evaluation of a Process-Driven Framework for Workplace e-Learning" [PDF]
    Defense date: Jan 30, 2018


  • BOZHINOSKI Darko: "Managing safety and run-time adaptability in mission-critical Mobile Multi-Robot Systems" [PDF]
    Defense date: Dec 7, 2017

  • BALLIU Alkida: "Distributed Local Decision with Applications to Routing Schemes" [PDF]
    Defense date: Dec 6, 2017

  • OLIVETTI Dennis: "Fast Computing in Networks with Limited Bandwidth" [PDF]
    Defense date: Dec 6, 2017

  • RUBERTO Stefano: "Genetic Programming with Semantic Equivalence Classes" [PDF]
    Defense date: Nov 24, 2017

  • VELAJ Yllka: "Information Spreading with Network Augmentation" [PDF]
    Defense date: Nov 13, 2017

  • CATENA Matteo: "Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Information Retrieval System" [PDF]
    Defense date: Oct 24, 2017

  • ZACCHIA LUN Yuriy: "Stability and Optimal Control of Polytopic Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Jump Linear Systems" [PDF]
    Defense date: Oct 24, 2017

  • SEVERINI Lorenzo: "Centrality maximization in complex networks" [PDF]
    Defense date: Apr 20, 2017