Ph.D. Program

The Ph.D. program consists of 4 years of study and research. During the first year students will take a number of courses structured in three main pillars:

Besides the courses offered at GSSI courses, students can attend summer schools or courses at other institutions (see the "Organisation of the Ph.D. program" section below). Each student is asked to prepare, together with the Ph.D. coordinator, a study-plan to be approved by the Academic Board.

Performances in exams, quality of the thesis proposal (submitted at the end of the first year), and engagement in the academic activities are the criteria for progressing to the second year. Students focus on their research mainly in their 2nd and 3rd year assisted by supervisors who assess students' progress together with committees consisting of experts in the relevant area.

Students are strongly encouraged to visit other research groups in Italy or abroad.

Details about the program, academic roles, absences and other are in the sections below.

Organization of the Ph.D. program

Academic roles

The taught part consists of three categories:

Immigration courses are woven together with a twofold aim: to give the students the tools needed to successfully attend the subsequent courses, and to start to expose the students to relevant research challenges arising in interacting heterogeneous distributed systems.

Core and advanced courses are given by top-level international scientists selected among faculties of the most acknowledged institutions worldwide. The topics of such courses have been defined to best fit with GSSI – Computer Science research vision on interacting heterogeneous distributed systems. All the courses are meant to provide the necessary background and knowledge to the students for taking up their learning paths towards the defence of the PhD thesis.

Students must pass immigration and core courses according to the Computer regulations; exam Science PhD regulationsmarks are awarded according to the ECTS grading scale

Apart from the courses offered at GSSI, students can attend courses that fit with the topic of their Ph.D. research also at summer schools or at other national or international institutions. Participation to such courses must be authorised by the coordinator of the Ph.D. program and students' advisors. After having attended an external course, a student should:

The official academic roles (besides students😉) relevant for the Ph.D. program are

The following two roles have been designed to establish a friendly and thriving scientific community: 

Tutors of 1st-year students should arrange monthly meetings with their tutees. These meetings are meant to provide guidance, advise, and support related to the academic activities of the first year. Students are welcome to ask their tutor for private meetings if they need to discuss specific matters.

Tutors are not permetted to reveal any confidential matters without the consent of their tutees.

Students are (the most important) part of our community and they are welcome to suggest activities that could strengthen the academic and social relationship of the group.

Vacation periods

Art. 18.2 of the GSSI regulations of PhD courses establishes that, except for the periods in which GSSI activities are interrupted during holidays, short absences due to personal reasons must be authorised by the Course Coordinator and cannot anyway exceed 20 days a year. The next vacation periods are

- August 12-23, 2024

- December 23, 2024 - January 6, 2025

- April 17-21, 2025

Any absence of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students must be agreed with the supervisor.