Ph.D. Program

Academic Year 2018/2019

Immigration Courses






Design and Analysis of Algorithms [link]

Michele Flammini, Mattia D'Emidio

Basic notions of algorithms and complexity; Divide-and-Conquer; Dynamic Programming; Basic data structures: heaps, hash tables; Greedy; Local Search; Network Flow; All-pairs Shortest Paths; NP-complete problems and intractability; PSPACE


Introduction to Formal Methods, Quantitative Formal Methods [linkFM@W] [linkQFM]

Luca Aceto, Catia Trubiani

Basics on formal models of (concurrent) computations, applying formal methods to the modelling and analysis of problems using the model checker UPPAAL. Basic concepts of software modelling and analysis with stochastic processes, discrete-time markov processes, and petri nets.


Software, Systems and Services [link]

Ludovico Iovino and invited speakers

Basic concepts of software development paradigms, application domains, the software life cycle, design of software systems and modeling, software archtiectures. The course also provide some basic knowledge of the tools used to generate software programs from models.


How to - Introductory Lectures

Luca Aceto

How to write a paper. How to give a scientific talk. How to referee a scientific paper.

Core Courses






Approximation Algorithms

Gianlorenzo D'Angelo

Introduction to linear programming; the set cover problem; greedy algorithms and local search; rounding data and dynamic programming; deterministic rounding of linear programs; random sampling and randomized rounding of linear programs; the primal-dual method; techniques to prove the hardness of approximation


Algorithmic Game Theory

Michele Flammini

Algorithmic Game Theory (Equilibria: dominant versus Nash equilibria; Computational issues of equilibria); Congestion Games; Mechanism design; Computational social choice


Machine Learning [slides]

Marcello Restelli

Linear Models for Regression; Linear Models for Classification; "No Free Lunch" Theorems; Bias-Variance and Model Selection; Kernel Methods; Support Vector Machines; PAC-Learning and VC-Dimension; Neural Networks


Modelling and Verification of Reactive Systems [link]

Rocco De Nicola

Principles of Parallel and Concurrent Programming, Introduction to Concurrency, Paradigms for Parallel Programming, Interference and Atomicity, Mutual Exclusion, Semaphores, Monitors, Elements of Distributed Programming, Concurrent Programming Languages


Principles of Model Checking

Michele Loreti

Transition systems and linear-time properties (traces, safety, liveness, fairness), Verifying regular linear-time properties (omega-regular languages, Buchi automata, nested depth-first search), LTL model checking (syntax, semantics, automata, model-checking algorithm), CTL model checking (syntax, semantics, CTL versus LTL, model-checking algorithm), Probabilistic model checking (Markov chains, probabilistic CTL, Markov decision processes)


Performance Modeling

Mirco Tribastone

Software Performance, Performance Modeling, Continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs), numerical solution and stochastic simulation of CTMCs, Queuing systems, Stochastic process algebras, Layered queuing networks, Chemical Reaction Networks


Software testing and Dependability

Antonella Bertolino

General concepts and techniques of software testing. Main approaches for dependability and security validation. Most interesting research challenges in software testing.


Abstraction, Medelling and Architecting

Patrizio Pelliccione

Introduction to Autonomous systems, engineering the software of robotics systems, architectures and architecture description, Modeling and Architecting in automotive.


Green and Sustainable Software Engineering

Patricia Lago

Service Oriented Design, Framing software sustainability, quality concerns in software design.

Advanced Courses



Computational Social Choice

Jerome Lang

Fair division for indivisible goods

Vangelis Markakis

Experts, Bandits, and Online Learning

Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi

Probabilistic Model Checking

Holger Hermanns

Symbolic Model Checking

Alessandro Cimatti

Software Verification

Omar Inverso

Ethics and Privacy in Autonomous Systems

Paola Inverardi

Test-Driven Development

Lorenzo Bettini

Multi-level Modeling

Adrian Rutle