Country Books

Many of the books in our library about the countries of the world are several years old. They can be useful in your research. However, bear in mind that a country's government can change a great deal in just a few years. So you will want to carefully check the publication date on any books that you select, and you may want to verify the governmental information in those books against a more recent source, such as those listed in the Online Databases or Internet Resources section of this guide.

Non-Fiction to Browse

The books in these sections are most likely to help you with your project by providing information on governments and on various countries.

  • 320-329 - Political Science
  • 900-999 - History and Geography
  • REF 320-329 - Political Science Reference
  • REF 900-999 - History and Geography Reference

Search Term Examples

These are some examples of search terms you can use in the Destiny Discover catalog.

  • Korea (South)
  • China Politics and Government
  • Citizenship -- Canada
  • Civics, Canadian
  • Comparative Government